im having problems to get all users with certain role
Quick question on managers
): how do I use this? Is it a class I need to instantiate or what?How to create a thread with user permission for viewing?
Giving users one coin, when they join a server through a command.
How to get how many users have installed the app
Is there a way to prevent messages from being grouped when posted by the same bot?
Is there an efficient way to get date as option for interaction ?
Can I pass a props into `interaction.showModal()` ?
, because I've got separated events and my value channel
is in the command file. ([email protected])Discord Changes to Autofill - Invalid Entry Since Recent Discord Client Update
According to the documentation. ...
Discord slash command(s) deleting itself. (Sorry closed last post too early)
Why might a slash command delete itself after one use?
Bot tries to reply to a system message.. but what is it?
GuildForumTag not working on discord.js v14.16.3 on my API
error message and i cant solve it
How to run recommended ("auto") shard count all in one thread?
Context Commands Registering
What happens at 2,500 guilds/shard if you don't automatically reshard
Guilds request AI