


Building a modern Open Source CRM, powered by the community





Unable to run project locally using WSL

I am following and everything runs smoothly(Find in screenshots) 1. yarn 2. docker container running postgres 3. database migrate and reset However, when I run npx nx start the frontend fails to run with error as below:...
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apostrophe around persons name

is there a way to remove them when importing people from gmail? For example 'Pete Stevens' (screen shot) is there a way to get everyones name with out the Apostrophes?...
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Cannot find field metadata item for field name somethingDeleted on object person

I deleted a field and now I can no longer go to the detail page.

Confirm deletions / disable deletion for some users

The delete button is very close to the export button when selecting records. Maybe we should add at least a confirmation when deleting.. I just deleted a lot by accident 😢

Unable to send email even with after setting up SMTP credentials in .env and docker-compose.yml

I have set up all these variables in the .env file, and properly reference them in my docker-compose.yml file. However, I can't seem to figure out how to enable the sending of email. Did I miss anything in my setup/configuration? I set up the SMTP credentials in the server and also in the worker. However, I don't see anywhere where I'm able to send an email. Can someone help me? Is there a button to send emails? What is the condition to get the button so show, so that I can troubleshoot from the...
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How can I optimize my usecase?

I hope I can make myself clear 😄 I have three different branches in my company: - Voice Actor...

Synchronization of Companies & Contacts not working after Reinstalling

Does anyone know how i can trigger the sync to auto populate the contact and companies etc? I experienced something odd yesterday where after setting up all the necessary Google Credentials in .env file and what not, the Companies and Contacts started to stream in and get populated nicely. However, as I was trying to troubleshoot why my emails were not showing, I did a fresh install of V0.22.0. Thereafter, no contact/companies started to get populated anymore, no matter what I try. I created a new Google Oauth, changed the client secret keys and all, but nothing seems to work. Everything is stagnant, and it has been 12 hours or more already....

[Nest] 1 - ERROR [ExceptionsHandler] Could not load credentials from any providers

Hey there! I've been trying to setup the s3 storage settings and I cannot seem to figure out the issue. The only error I get is [Nest] 1 - ERROR [ExceptionsHandler] Could not load credentials from any providers. The other part of the error is ...

v0.22.0 Webhooks failing to send

After upgrading to v0.22.0 (and running db migrations) I'm now receiving the following errors in the container logs from Twenty: ``` [Nest] 1 - 07/17/2024, 11:25:32 PM ERROR [SyncDriver] No handler found for job: webhook-queue [Nest] 1 - 07/17/2024, 11:25:32 PM ERROR [SyncDriver] No handler found for job: entity-events-to-db-queue [Nest] 1 - 07/17/2024, 11:25:32 PM ERROR [SyncDriver] No handler found for job: entity-events-to-db-queue...

Mandatory fields in the input form

Hello friends, a Brazilian here who is also developing a CRM. I would like to understand if there is a provision for mandatory fields per phase in Kanbam, I did not find this possibility, for example, in the input form, making one of the fields mandatory....

Deploying to RepoCloud (one-click)

Hello, I'm tryint the one click install on Repocloud and everything seems to be ok but when I try to login, I have this error message : Thanks for the help...
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npx nx database:reset twenty-serverNOUVEAU

Hello, 'I'm trying to setup the project using the one link for docker, every thing is working well until i couldn't connect with putting error of
ERROR [ExceptionsHandler] relation "core.user" does not exist
ERROR [ExceptionsHandler] relation "core.user" does not exist
How could i solve this please ? thanks...

Installation tutorial on ubuntu?

Is there any install tutorial? I'm trying to install this on ubuntu and after the docker 1 line setup it installs everything but one of the containers won't start... i've been told that i need to set up the env - but i have no idea what i need to set and where... Is there any way to install this manually (i hate docker). like do a git clone, install dependencies and then run the thing?...

Issues with forward and backlashes

When I start the front-end it throws me an error, I’m using windows OS.
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localhost:3000 showing blank after installing it on my raspberry pi server.

I looked at the docker-compose file that was used and it has the attribute image: Ubuntu. Tried it in Ubuntu and it does work there. So my question is how to make it work for my raspberry pi?? Edit: I just checked I can only access it through localhost but I can't access it on another computer from my local network....
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Error while running the app

This is the error message after few seconds when I do npx nx start, the application runs but thorows this after few seconds only. node:events:492 throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event ^...
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can’t edit a new view

I’m having this issue when I try to add a new view. When I select something the window is closed. Someone can help me?

Get types for twenty

Hi everybody, how do I retrieve the graphql types for twenty by using codegen? I created the following file and ran bun run codegen --verbose, however nothing is created. Any ideas?...
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Import from gmail hanging on ongoing

In UI the https://url_to_twenty/settings/accounts/emails Ongoing symbol has been shown for more than 12 hours. From logs (docker logs twenty-worker-1): [Nest] 34 - 07/12/2024, 10:57:19 AM LOG [MessagingGmailFullMessageListFetchService] Added 57 messages ids from Gmail for messageChannel HIDDEN in workspace HIDDEN and added to cache for import ...

Create entries in GraphQL

Hello all I try to use graphql to read and add objects to Twenty. I succeeded to get data, ie name, id and methodologies for a given "project" :...