


Building a modern Open Source CRM, powered by the community





Can't able to setup project local

Install postgres using docker connect with psql, install all dependencies still not able to run. when run npx nx start it will start on 3001 but just shows blank screen & in console shows unable to connect to the database please help

can't run project on local

I'm trying set up the project on my pc so I can work on an issue and I'm having a hard time to get it up and running. I tried to find a guide on the setup, but I couldn't find any.

How to access GraphQL APIs from twenty ?

How to access GraphQL APIs from twenty ? I've managed to selfhost it and created the API key Have entered the 'Other', 'IP:3000' and key Cant think of what is going wrong...
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schema "graphql" does not exist

Hello, i followed the documentation to install locally, all good except this: 'schema "graphql" does not exist'. Please advise

How to create a view/ table of multiple objectMetaDataItems?

Hi, I have a one to many mapping with multiple objects from people. Eg. people to jobs and jobs to whatsapp messages. I want to view all the people with their corresponding jobs and whatsapp messages in one table. How can I create a table/view with multiple objects (merged/ joined) in one?...

System E-Mails do not send

hi, i've added these Parameters to my docker-compose.yml: to rewrite the smtp information for system mails. but when i test sending an systemmail. the logger says it was sent (with my custom SMTP Data) but it never arrives in my mailbox....
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Delete Opportunities does not work

hey, when i want to delete an opportunity with this delete button it does not delete it. when i delete a company it works. in js console and network tab i cant see an error...
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Error while running command npx nx database:reset twenty-server in WSL

Steps followed 1. Postgres on docker using the make command 2.Make env files 3.nvm to set node version to v18.17.1 4.yarn...
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Data Migration to another host.

Hey guys I need to migrate my database from testing server to the main one. Can someone actually help me on this?...

How to do a where clause in graphql?

I want to query the companies "where" opportunities are in a stage of either meeting or proposal or customer. I am currently fetching all results and then filtering using js. However, since we receive only 30 results in one go, it skips several results. What is the way to write a query to fetch all relevant results?...

How to increase the default number of results (30) in graphql?

How can I increase the default number of results in graphql query results? I am receiving 30 results and I want to fetch 100. How to do this?

Front-end not starting

My backend is working fine but in frontend I got this message
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Docs page not working

doesn't seem to be loading atm
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Allow iframe

Hey, guys! Is it possible to set Twenty to be accessible inside an iframe? I use Chatwoot and there is a function called "dashboard apps" that allows you to open external links within the chat, which makes it easier to access other applications that I use day to day, and I would like to do this with Twenty....
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Blank screen after install

Hi all, installed Twenty following the instructions from the docs for manual install as the one-liner wouldn't work. When I visit my install I get a blank screen. Inspecting the page I can see that the page content is there for Twenty, but nothing is displaying and in the console I can see the following errors relating to asset loading. One of the team in the #🏡︱general channel suggested this could be a networking issue. Could anybody kindly suggest what the issue could be here, or steps to address it....
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Google Auth no feedback

``` AUTH_GOOGLE_ENABLED=true AUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID={{redacted}} AUTH_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET={{redacted}} AUTH_GOOGLE_CALLBACK_URL=http://localhost:3001/auth/google/redirect...

Unable to run project locally using WSL

I am following and everything runs smoothly(Find in screenshots) 1. yarn 2. docker container running postgres 3. database migrate and reset However, when I run npx nx start the frontend fails to run with error as below:...
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apostrophe around persons name

is there a way to remove them when importing people from gmail? For example 'Pete Stevens' (screen shot) is there a way to get everyones name with out the Apostrophes?...
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