lucas lima
lucas lima
Created by lucas lima on 7/11/2024 in #❓︱help
Hello guys, anyone have the stack with traefik configured and runnign at portainer?
49 replies
Created by lucas lima on 7/8/2024 in #❓︱help
Stack yaml twenty error 404
Hello guys, I'm trying to teste twenty in my docker swarm with traefik in my cloud server. All services are running but i got 404 in both api.twenty.domain and twenty.domain Could the team have a look into that stack please? I think It could be nice let people access a stack.yaml to deploy directly on portainer. The idea is just with this stack run it! without teh need of use .env or makefile docker. By the way thank you all of your and congrats for this project! So nice! See you !
59 replies