


This server is the home of the MAX and Mojo community. Join us to chat about all things Modular!




How to implement other classes in mojo

Hey! I want to make a custom class that implements/extends another class. I looked through the mojo docs but nothing was found.

error: mojo: unable to resolve the lldb path

Hello guys I am trying to install mojo but it gives me path error how do i resolve this OS: Windows with wsl2 Ubuntu 20.04...
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External call

how external_call work can i call my own function written in c++ or rust by this

Mojo installation got stuck

it gets stuck there and even i tried to modular clean n reinstall still same thing is happening any solutions? im running windows subsystem for linux...
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How to use Coroutine

i get some keygen errors what it is
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How can I install mojo in codespce on github?

I want to install it in a codespace, but it doesn't work

Multi threading in Mojo

Hi I am new to mojo but I would really like to speed up my pipeline by doing what python can't, multi threading. Could someone show a simple example of multi threading? An example like calling the same function with different parameters at the same time to process data.

Get list or tuple index by value.

'Tuple[StringLiteral, StringLiteral, StringLiteral]' is not subscriptable, it does not implement the __getitem__/__setitem__ methodsmojo. is there any ways to acheive this. also need to convert a mojo list to python list....

support for existing Python c modules?

Can code in mojo call existing Python c modules?

Deployment in a docker container

Hi, is there an alternative to a Modular production deployment besides a docker container?

MLIR : does Mojo run on MLIR?

Hi, would it be proper to say that Mojo run on MLIR? ..on LLVM? ..on ..?

Any examples of algorithm.reduction.argmax usage?

I am writing fast where function, and from description argwhere looks like a good candidate but can't figure out how to use it. For example what is OutputChainPtr? ` @always_inline fn where(self, val: Int8, vec: DTypePointer[DType.int8]): @parameter...

Repl Error

``TEST: mojo repl`... ERROR main() File "/home/jovyan/.modular/pkg/packages.modular.com_mojo/scripts/post-install/", line 374, in main tester.test(args.test_jupyter) File "/home/jovyan/.modular/pkg/packages.modular.com_mojo/scripts/post-install/", line 311, in test...

Did the installation fail because I am using ARM Linux?

output of installation commands ```bash debian@debian:~$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install modular Hit:1 buster InRelease...

Type suffixing?

I was curious if there was a builtin way to define the types of decimal constants. For instance, in Java I can specify the constant as a float by adding an F to the end: ```java float mult = .6F*.91F; float acceleration = 0.16277136F / (mult * mult * mult); ...

Example of ListLiteral -> Saves time for you

example for ListLiteral from python import Python fn main() raises: ...

How are we supposed to run coroutines?

As the entry point (the main function) cannot be async, is there any way to call a coroutine from a syncron context? Here just an easy example code what I'm testing and trying to do: ```py async fn test(): print("test")...

python environments

How can we use python environments in mojo?

Triton Dev Conference today?

Any Mojicians at the Triton Dev Conference today? This may be of interest to folks here...
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