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Build .exe file Mojo

When I build .exe file and try to execute by ./name, there is an error occur " can't locate pythonlib..." How I can fix it? Of course there is import of Python and PythonObject in the code Mojo....

How does Mojo's compile-time interpreter work?

I've been pretty curious about the Mojo compiler's internal workings for quite a while: how it decides which parameters to pick for autotuning, how it allows programmers to seamlessly program GPUs and stuff (I'm assuming without explicitly needing to mention which accelerator the code should run on). For now I want to know what exactly Mojo's compile time interpreter is. What is the need for it? What use cases does it solve? And how does it work?...

keyword Arguments prob

if pass any value by keyword Arguments i dint know where the value goes i cant use the value also i cant print it. is it a bug.?...

Parallelism and multithreading

I couldn't find a sample code of Mojo multithreading, Can anyone guide me where I can find the proper guide, or provide me with sample snippets to learn from. thanks

Mojo Auto-completion in vs-code

MOJO Auto-completion and suggestions not working in vs-code. Os: Kali Linux under WSL...

mojo and distributed system

Does mojo support developing distributed system? Any references are appreciated.


There is something like post_init for struct?

Can't return Self

why Self is AnyType. How to return Self
No description

Mojo and Spark

Is there any resource showing how to use spark with mojo? Is it even possible?

Mojo within a GPU enabled Docker container?

just that looking at Mojo Dockerfile on Github couldnt find GPU support

Timeline for C/C++ Interop, FFI

The Mojo roadmap mentions a future FFI between it and C/C++ [1]. Is there an estimated timeframe when this would become available? I'm interested in Mojo's potential for robotics and embedded systems. Interop with C or C++ libraries would accelerate the pace at which it could be adopted in this space. [1]:

OS level package?

Is there any native way to use os level system calls like file opening, closing of files, or clearing the terminal? If not, how soon can we expect to have it πŸ‘€...

HOWTO fetch internet resources

Is there a way in mojo that can be used for fetching websites, get and post?

NumPy Stacking error ->error: failed to run the pass manager

from python import Python from time import sleep from python.object import PythonObject fn main() raises:...

Mojo Bootcamp.

Is there any Mojo bootcamp to learn it?

Raise returns a string?

I'm running this code: ```py fn test() raises -> StringRef: raise Error("Test")...

Arch linux?

Is the support of Mojo for arch linux? I couldn't find an AUR package for it so was wondering

Why is overloading a function with different types not possible:

fn sum(num1: Int, num2: Int) -> int: return num1 + num2 fn sum(num1: Float, num2: Float) -> Float: return num1 + num2...