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Modverse #42 is out!

Modverse #42 is live! Featuring @Maxim, @Ghostfire, @DobyDabaDu, @phomola, @mad alex 1997, @vguerra, @msaelices, @gabrieldemarmiesse, @sora, and @toasty. Huge thank you for all your awesome contributions! 🫶

Language learning tool: a small Bash script for interactive search over a bunch of Mojo codebases

I put together a Bash script that 1. Downloads a bunch of existing Mojo codebases, 2. Runs The Silver Searcher and FZF so you can do a quick and beautiful full-text search over them. Might be helpful for finding out how other people used this feature/keyword/library/whatever.

Created a job posting app for less popular languages like Mojo

App focuses on esoteric and less popular languages that still have fortune 1000 companies using them.

NuMojo V0.2 Release: Simplified Type Handling, New Features, and Enhanced Compatibility

We’re excited to announce NuMojo V0.2, featuring significant improvements and new features. This update simplifies data type management by removing in_dtype and out_dtype parameters and introduces Rust-like data type aliases (e.g., f64). Function overloads were implemented in arithmetic to allow easy symmetric usage of NDArray and Scalar types. Array operations have seen major enhancements, including the introduction of the diagflat() method for creating diagonal arrays, improved slicing functionality that aligns with NumPy, and added boolean masking for NDArrays. The NDArray constructor now supports string array initialization, making array creation easier. Documentation has been expanded with an updated README, improved function docstrings, and a new style guide. We’ve also introduced new test files compatible with the mojo test framework, improving NuMojo’s reliability....

CrazyString explanation Video

I took some time to explain the concepts behind the CrazyString, a string data structure with small strings optimization and code point indexing Give me thumbs up if you would be interested in more videos.

Tokeniser & CSV parser

Hi all, I’m new to Mojo. I like the language and would like to use it in some of my projects. I started by developing a tokeniser (as a basis for a JSON parser, not finished yet) and a simple CSV parser so I can “play” with data frames in Mojo. Any feedback is welcome (I mostly write code in Go and Rust, this is my first code in Mojo, would like to get suggestions for improvement).

Mojmelo: Machine Learning algorithms

I want to introduce you Mojmelo. Implementation of machine learning algorithms from scratch in pure Mojo. Here is the list of the algorithms: Linear Regression Polynomial Regression Logistic Regression KNN...


I made a little falling sand game today in mojo.

Reading from stdin

Hey everyone! Here's a github gist with a struct to read from stdin and a recreation of the Python input function. I was working on this snippet for the stdlib a month or two ago, but got held up figuring out how to add some clean tests where we read from stdin. The furthest I got was feeding stdin to one test, but then the subsequent ones failed. Maybe I'll return to it soon, but I figured people might get some use out of this for now 🙂...


I recently updated the mojo FireTCP socket programming package! build client-server applications in pure mojo


A Physics Engine written in Mojo.

🔥🎨🎛 mojo_neovim_theme_app

It is a tool to create neovim themes in real-time.
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Devcontainer Setup for Mojo and Neovim This provides a sample template to help with setting up devcontainer for Mojo without the need for Vs Code....


Hi, I've created a (small) HaldClut library.

Stump: Bound logger library

Hello all! stump is very much a work in progress, but it's a bound logger library inspired by Python's structlog and Golang's log packages. It works by wrapping structs that adhere to the Logger trait in a BoundLogger which handles formatting and styling the message and context data. The library comes with a few common ones, namely a print logger, stdout logger, and file logger. The print logger is of course, extremely slow. But the STDLogger struct is almost as fast as a standard print that applies no formatting or styling at all. I recently revived it so it's now operational using the latest Mojo nightly. Dict.pop() is still broken, so I had to figure out a workaround. Morrow has also not been updated for a few versions, so there was a regression in datetime formatting as I had to fork it and try updating it myself. The formatting is almost done, but for now only isoformat is in use....

MAX tutorials community feedback and questions

Leave any feedback, questions, or problems you're running into here for the new MAX tutorials page:
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Magic CLI alpha community feedback and questions

You can leave feedback and questions about the alpha test for the magic CLI here, the doc to install and test it is here: You can raise issues or errors you're running into here:
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Inference CNN model in mojo (yolo implementation)

I've been working on making a simple inference model in mojo🔥 . A lot of work is still needs to be done and in progress but i made few accomplishments. Wanted to share with the community. I'm new so would love to get feedback on what other things I can try to improve my inference 😄