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Hi, I've created a (small) HaldClut library.

Stump: Bound logger library

Hello all! stump is very much a work in progress, but it's a bound logger library inspired by Python's structlog and Golang's log packages. It works by wrapping structs that adhere to the Logger trait in a BoundLogger which handles formatting and styling the message and context data. The library comes with a few common ones, namely a print logger, stdout logger, and file logger. The print logger is of course, extremely slow. But the STDLogger struct is almost as fast as a standard print that applies no formatting or styling at all. I recently revived it so it's now operational using the latest Mojo nightly. Dict.pop() is still broken, so I had to figure out a workaround. Morrow has also not been updated for a few versions, so there was a regression in datetime formatting as I had to fork it and try updating it myself. The formatting is almost done, but for now only isoformat is in use....

MAX tutorials community feedback and questions

Leave any feedback, questions, or problems you're running into here for the new MAX tutorials page:
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Magic CLI alpha community feedback and questions

You can leave feedback and questions about the alpha test for the magic CLI here, the doc to install and test it is here: You can raise issues or errors you're running into here:
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Inference CNN model in mojo (yolo implementation)

I've been working on making a simple inference model in mojo🔥 . A lot of work is still needs to be done and in progress but i made few accomplishments. Wanted to share with the community. I'm new so would love to get feedback on what other things I can try to improve my inference 😄


Hi, I've created a boxblur filter. In itself, it's more a demo or a tutorial than a useful piece of code. I've just wanted to put that code alone for toying with before using it elsewhere. ...


Hello, Mojocians! I'm thrilled to share my implementation of matrix multiplication in Mojo. Check out the benchmark results included in the repository to see the performance metrics. It outperforms numpy(OpenBlas) and achieves close performance to the Max engine! Feel free to explore the repository, run the benchmarks, and integrate it into your projects. Happy coding :)....


Arrays, Tensors and dynamic Neural Networks in Mojo :mojo: Docs/Website Github...


Hi all, I just published my implementation of the io_uring library in pure Mojo: The design is similar to Currently there is only a linux_raw backend, which could potentially be used to create binaries that do not depend on libc. The library is at an early stage and lacks documentation, many operations and tests. But the basic functionality is implemented....

DuckDB Bindings

Hey Mojicians! To help me getting into Mojo I've started working on a client API/bindings for my favorite database DuckDB:


Hi, The FFI for Blend2D, a 2D vector graphics engine.

Monte Carlo 3x Speedup

Hey all, I've been experimenting with Mojo for some simple RL and wrote a blog post about it. Thought it might be interesting to share here!

Tenka 点火 - Mojo package manager This is my attempt at a Conda like package manager for Mojo🔥. While there could be an official package manager in future, I appreciate an organized system and wanted to try my take on this problem and learn something along the way. It currently supports essential features like create, activate, deactivate, remove environments, install and uninstall Mojo packages directly from GitHub into designated environments. Please look at README for details on features and limitations. One of my top priorities right now is to figure out how to support installing different versions of Mojo in different environments. Future plans also include porting this code to pure Mojo. If you're interested in contributing, your input is greatly appreciated! Feel free to reach out on Discord or contribute directly via GitHub by creating issues or pull requests. Have a wonderful day, fellow Mojicians!...

NuMojo’s got NDArrays! 🥳

NuMojo has just released v0.1 adding many new features the largest of which is an N dimensional array type completely independent of Tensor. Our NDArray has many features including * Native Vectorization of arithmetic dunder operations +,-.*./ etc. * Indexing with both integers and Slices (though mixed requires using Slice explicitly due to Mojo parser limitations). * sum, mean, stdev both on axis and cumulative. * A few different matmul implementations....


Hi, Same thing as LZ4 but with ZSTD....


Hi, Basic FFI of LZ4, meaning just block compress/decompress ... for now....


Hi, My little take on LibJpeg and FFI....