


This server is the home of the MAX and Mojo community. Join us to chat about all things Modular!




Python print statements don't seem to do anything when deployed to server

```py from python import Python fn main() raises: try:...

Mojo in VScode error

Hello, When running print("hello world") in vscode i get these errors. ```...

Errors for flow control?

Exceptions are used for flow control in Python (e.g. the StopIteration exception). Is this considered a good/normal practice in mojo as well (using Error I guess)?

Casting between DTypePointer[DType.uint8] and Pointer[UInt8] ?

Is it possible to cast between the two similar types, specifically to initialize a Pointer[UInt8] to point to the same memory addr as DTypePointer[DType.uint8]? Here is an illustration: ``` var ptrd = DTypePointer[DType.uint8].alloc(10)...

Modular CLI Progress Bar

Can we please have a progress bar when downloading artifacts when installing mojo? Without it, it feels like the download is stuck and there are no cues to if our download is stopped because of network issues or so and makes it pretty hard to install mojo...

VS Code Path Issue

I've been having an issue getting the path setup for VSCode. The repl works fine and I can run in terminal but its saying my path doesn't exist in VSCode Even though I'm pretty sure that is the correct path. Can anyone please help?...
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Compilation with Python?

I am wondering if the modular compiler would also compile the python code to c as well? I am guessing not I am thinking this is useful for producing very small high performance binary programs that work with windows osx and linux, that more or less you can ship with python ?...

Mojo REPL in weird terminals (Emacs shell)

mojo doesn't like Emacs' shell mode (see screenshot). IPython has a --simple-prompt flag that makes it behave in weird environments. Does the Mojo REPL have something like that?...
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Running code at GPU

How can I write a mojo code that is executed at the GPU instead of the CPU?

Mojo on Arm

When will Mojo be available for Arm processors?? It would be wonderful to be able to use Mojo for robotics on the Raspberry Pi, NVIDIA Orin, and other Arm-based systems. 😉😁

Are all Python libraries supported?

Are there all libraries supported like or PyPdf?

Is there Raspberry Pi support?

Can I install Mojo on Raspberry Pi OS yet?

Null Operators

Will operators Nullish coalescing (?? )and Optional chaining (?.) opearators be added to mojo?

Should I Create a modular_home folder if it wasnt created?

I tried to install Mojo on Vscode but it turns out that i dont even have a modular_home folder and i wonder if i should create it

How will the syntax look when mojo supports GPUs?

I'm wondering when people build operators like matmul will they have to write a function for CPU and a very different function for the GPU? Or will the syntax remain relatively similar, and the same function can be used on both? It will just take advantage of hardware acceleration when it is available.


When we can expect a offical support for Fedora ?

A Guide on the Translation from MLIR Syntax to Mojo Syntax

The Mojo documentation states that all MLIR operations and types can be interfaced through Mojo. However, is there a guide to translate the syntaxes of MLIR dialects into Mojo syntaxes so that engineers can take more direct control on how to use MLIR operations within Mojo?...


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Understanding vectorisation and parallelisation of tensors

I've made this code which carries onward from the tensors tutorial on youtube, using code from the matrix multiplicaiton tutorial: ```python from random import rand from math import trunc, rsqrt...