


This server is the home of the MAX and Mojo community. Join us to chat about all things Modular!




Problem installiing mojo on mac:

I keep getting this error message. I tried modular clean && modular auth (mykey) but even after that I still get the error. It says error with SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key.
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Module pymatmul not found

@aespeiuk can you try changing hello_interop.mojo to this and running it: ``` from python.python import Python ...

Is it possible to use MLIR dialects?

Hi, I am trying to use MLIR dialects in mojo (other than index), I get unregistered dialect error. Is it possible to register other dialects? Also, is it possible to see generated MLIR? ```...

Does Mojo support CUDA?

How is performance compared to NVIDIA implementations?

Non-trivial parameter are not matched

What is the expected behaviour while matching parameters. Should they be structurally equal, or is some rewriting on their AST expected? For example, the following code gives the error on the return of doubleCube.
cannot implicitly convert 'SIMD[T, __lshift__(1, __add__(__sub__(N, 1), 1))]' value to 'SIMD[T, __lshift__(1, N)]' in return value
cannot implicitly convert 'SIMD[T, __lshift__(1, __add__(__sub__(N, 1), 1))]' value to 'SIMD[T, __lshift__(1, N)]' in return value
because 1<<((N-1)+1) is not considered equal to 1<<N which suggests threre is no rewriting of parameters. ...

Type system does not recognize that a literal int is equal to an Int alias

I have a simple struct called Cube:
struct Cube[T: DType, N: Int]:
var value: SIMD[T, (1 << N)]
struct Cube[T: DType, N: Int]:
var value: SIMD[T, (1 << N)]

Does Mojo support virtual environments?

I use virtual environments in Python to isolate dependencies and ensure a consistent developer experience on projects. I was wondering if Mojo has a virtual environment tool or if it's compatible with Python's environment tools like venv or conda environments?

Cannot import Top level packages

Hi, I was trying to import a top level package, using built package, and without building but using filenames, but am not able to use it. I am sure as hell that I was able to do something like this in v0.3.x Is this the expected behaviour, or something changed or am I missing something? Let me know if you find out what's missing...
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How to store Struct(or string) into DynamicVector

I want to store struct into DynamicVector at first I tried ``` from utils.vector import DynamicVector ...

How to trigger `cf.assert` MLIR operations?

Suppose I have
let _ = __mlir_op.`cf.assert`[msg=__mlir_attr.`"ERROR"`](false)
let _ = __mlir_op.`cf.assert`[msg=__mlir_attr.`"ERROR"`](false)

Compile Mojo Python

Hey would there be ability to compile your package with Mojo and then pip install it on python without needing to install Mojo?

Build options - supported platforms

Hi! I know the SDK only supports linux right now, but does that also mean that you can only build for linux, and not for Windows/macOS yet?

TOR-Client in Mojo

I would like to know whether there is already a tor client or how one can implement it so that the PE does not need any additional software to send data over the tor network. What important is that after compilation everything is in one without any third party software

randn not working

I am trying to use rand and randn functionality from the Mojo library rand works fine, but when trying to import randn I get: error: package 'random' does not contain 'randn' ...

`if` Statement doesn't work??? :astonished:

Consider this: ``` @register_passable("trivial") struct U69: var value: __mlir_type.ui69...

Cant install Mojo

I'm trying to install mojo and got the following error. can someone help me? this is my second time installing mojo, the problem caused while typing "modular install mojo"
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Easy to install in offline enviroment, will mojo keep it and provide a package system ?

Recently I just tar entire .modular folder to another machine in our company, which is limit access internal only. I found it's quite easy make it work , I skip venv/jupyter parts, just: * modify mojo.cfg * add some missing .so the my LIBRARY env . (machine has, but no, I don't know why ) ...

External Python dependencies and Mojo binaries

I've just compiled a small Mojo program that uses Python iterop and the numpy library. Running the binary, everything works fine. Hypothetically though, if I shared the binary with someone using the same os and hardware architecture as me, would they need to have Python and numpy installed (bare metal or virtualenv) to run the binary? Or is the binary standalone?...

Will mojo let third parties handle the compiler distribution and packaging like python?

The cpython core team and steering council has the responsability of providing the source code but not to distribute it. It also doesn't have the responsability of defining how the packaging should be done. This is a huge issue as third parties must implement tools to do this and there are many different tools now. Let's take for the installation: - anaconda - the py installer on windows from the windows store...