@nuxtjs/supabase user and session is missing after page refresh
I am writing a webapp in Nuxt with supabase and prisma. If i am running it with npm run dev , everthing is fine , but If i am running it with npm run dev -- --host to be able to watch it on phone but after login if i am refreshing the page the user and the session will be null. I am using the nuxtjs/supabase module.
19 replies
why is useSeoMeta not working?
I am trying to use dynamic values
here is my code:
onMounted(async () => {
const response = await fetchData(
recipe.value = response.data
title: "Best Cooking Site",
meta: [{ name: "viewport", content: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" }],
ogTitle: recipeId,
ogDescription: () => recipe.value?.attributes.description,
ogImage: () => ${picUrl}/${recipe.value.attributes.picURL}
ogUrl: recipeId,
twitterTitle: recipeId,
twitterDescription: () => recipe.value?.attributes.description,
twitterImage: () => ${picUrl}/${recipe.value.attributes.picURL}
twitterCard: "summary"
})4 replies