Created by hz2222 on 9/30/2024 in #❓・help
detect if a user is active
What is the best way to detect if the user is online or not? I am using Nuxt with supabase.
4 replies
Created by hz2222 on 9/27/2024 in #❓・help
sending notifications in Nuxt
What are u guys recommending for sending notifications in a Nuxt webapp
10 replies
Created by hz2222 on 9/9/2024 in #❓・help
@nuxtjs/supabase user and session is missing after page refresh
I am writing a webapp in Nuxt with supabase and prisma. If i am running it with npm run dev , everthing is fine , but If i am running it with npm run dev -- --host to be able to watch it on phone but after login if i am refreshing the page the user and the session will be null. I am using the nuxtjs/supabase module.
19 replies
Created by hz2222 on 8/5/2024 in #❓・help
ogImage is not visible
Here is my script in app.vue: <script setup> useSeoMeta({ ogImage: "/assets/images/logo.webp", }) </script> But I am still seeing the basic nuxt image...
5 replies
Created by hz2222 on 8/3/2024 in #❓・help
Does stripe send the invoice by email after every payment automatically?
Does Stripe send the invoice by email after every payment?
10 replies
Created by hz2222 on 7/20/2024 in #❓・help
how to add additional data to the user with supabase signUpWithPassword in Nuxt?
how to add additional data to the user with supabase signUpWithPassword in Nuxt?
4 replies
Created by hz2222 on 6/13/2024 in #❓・help
In a Nuxt.js application with multiple pages, what rendering mode do you recommend and why?
Hi guys! In a Nuxt.js application with multiple pages, what rendering mode do you recommend and why? Thx
2 replies
Created by hz2222 on 5/30/2024 in #❓・help
why is useSeoMeta not working?
I am trying to use dynamic values here is my code: onMounted(async () => { const response = await fetchData(/recipe/${recipeId}) recipe.value = response.data }) useSeoMeta({ title: "Best Cooking Site", meta: [{ name: "viewport", content: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1" }], ogTitle: recipeId, ogDescription: () => recipe.value?.attributes.description, ogImage: () => ${picUrl}/${recipe.value.attributes.picURL}, ogUrl: recipeId, twitterTitle: recipeId, twitterDescription: () => recipe.value?.attributes.description, twitterImage: () => ${picUrl}/${recipe.value.attributes.picURL}, twitterCard: "summary" })
4 replies
Created by hz2222 on 5/23/2024 in #❓・help
what do you guys recommend for google login with nuxt frontend and laravel backend?
Hi! What do you guys recommend for google login with nuxt frontend and laravel backend?
2 replies
Created by hz2222 on 5/3/2024 in #❓・help
how to use router in a pinia store in Nuxt 3?
Hi guys! How can I use router in a pinia store?
10 replies
Created by hz2222 on 5/2/2024 in #❓・help
how to get the url where the user came from
Hi guys! How can I get the url from which page the user came to my page?
6 replies
Created by hz2222 on 5/1/2024 in #❓・help
How can I get the user's ip address
Hi guys how can I get the user's ip address and the url from which page the user came to the page?
29 replies