how to use router in a pinia store in Nuxt 3?
Hi guys!
How can I use router in a pinia store?
6 Replies
Same way you would in your pages, components, composables, etc
don't think so
I'm migrating a Vue 3 SSR project to Nuxt 3 and I have a store where I access the router using
and it returns undefined when I console it
Currently, I have a functionality that is broken because of that
Tried const router = useRouter()
but also returns undefined when I console itWhy would you be keeping the router stored in Pinia?
Are you looking for the nuxt context?
Reading through this, it seems like you'd be needing to set like
Pinia 🍍
Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue
I made a plugin : export default function ({ $pinia, $router }) {
$pinia.use(({ store }) => {
store.$router = $router
} and now its working
@Kealanau I just want to send the user to a page if it match some conditions
I was able to access it this way
there's also the option to use
when only to redirect and there's no need to access the router object