Created by Dramamine on 10/23/2023 in #✋|help
Github actions testing and Railway CLI
I'm setting up Github actions in my repo to run my e2e testing before deploying to Railway. I need to use my environment variables from Railway for this (connection strings, etc) I'm using secrets in Github with a project token to authenticate. Whenever it gets to the testing step, I get this error: Multiple services found. Please specify a service to pull variables from. I only have one service, with one environment 'production', and just this one token. This is what my Github action looks like for the test step:
run: npm test
run: npm test
And my test script starts the server like this: railway run npm run start Can I get any assistance with setting this up properly? I used this page: https://blog.railway.app/p/github-actions and the docs to set it up and from my understanding it seems correct. Please and thank you!
10 replies
Created by Dramamine on 10/20/2023 in #✋|help
Rate limiting and reverse proxy
Howdy! I'm just now getting to setting up my web app to be hosted via Railway. It's an Express app written in JS. When I hosted it locally, I had it set up behind a reverse proxy, so I'd set trust proxy' to 1 and call it good. I want to configure a rate limiter on my application to help protect some endpoints, but can't seem to find the proper trust proxy to set for this. No matter the number I set, requests still look like they're coming from the Railway proxy. Any suggestions for configuring this setting or setting up rate limiting for my application on Railway?
7 replies
Created by Dramamine on 9/26/2023 in #✋|help
Deploying a monorepo on one domain
I know the traditional monorepo structure may separate a frontend and a backend, but let's say I want to separate a client-frontend and an admin-frontend. Both of these will be run using their own express instance, with separate ports. They would be accessed like such: Client - www.domain.com/client Admin - www.domain.com/admin Where domain.com is the same domain name. Can this be done with Railway or will they require separate domain name registrations?
12 replies
Created by Dramamine on 9/4/2023 in #✋|help
Pricing/resource question
Here's a silly question, how should I decide on what plan to use for hosting? I'm pretty dumb at this stuff. I'll be hosting what should ultimately be the site & service for a small business, plus a redis database. I'm not really sure how I want to estimate usage. Another dumb question, will the utilized resources scale up based on how busy the service is or do I preset my desired utilization limit? i.e. during busier times, can the plan ramp up to use more memory/cpu depending on how busy the server is at the time? Thanks
12 replies