Rate limiting and reverse proxy

Howdy! I'm just now getting to setting up my web app to be hosted via Railway. It's an Express app written in JS. When I hosted it locally, I had it set up behind a reverse proxy, so I'd set trust proxy' to 1 and call it good. I want to configure a rate limiter on my application to help protect some endpoints, but can't seem to find the proper trust proxy to set for this. No matter the number I set, requests still look like they're coming from the Railway proxy. Any suggestions for configuring this setting or setting up rate limiting for my application on Railway?
if railways proxy is the only proxy your app sits behind then you want to pull the client ip from the X-Envoy-External-Address header https://utilities.up.railway.app/raw im sure there are express middleware to do this for you...
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4 Replies
Percy11mo ago
Project ID: 41f1e384-4e03-4db8-8977-4de7736f1111
Dramamine11mo ago
Brody11mo ago
if railways proxy is the only proxy your app sits behind then you want to pull the client ip from the X-Envoy-External-Address header https://utilities.up.railway.app/raw im sure there are express middleware to do this for you
Dramamine11mo ago
I am using that header for logging so I suppose I can use it for rate limiting as well. Thanks
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