Banned dependency stopping my build, even though I dont have one
I dont have any such dependency.
These are the only ones I have:
My previous deploy did not have this error, and the only changes i made were to the readme.
The readme itself did include a link to That was it.
The app doesn't do anything related to torrents.
21 replies
How to stop a plugin.
I know they are disbaled when you exceed limits, but fortunately im not exceeding those.
I just want to "hibernate" some projects, for that im wondering whether a db plugin can be stopped. I could dump it and then delete the plugin, but some option to just shut it down like a deploy would be neat, if it exists.
5 replies
aiohttp complaining about BadStatusLine in private network
have an aiohttp server running on host
and port 8080
sending a post to the server on the link https://discorsa-bot.railway.internal:8080/lap
but i get this on the server:
ive tried running this server on my local machine using host
and port 8080
and it works fine so that leads me to believe it definitely has something to do with private networking
if i dont add the port in the link i noticed the port it sends to is different from the port that server gets from env variables so i just defined it as 8080 and added that to the link as well
pls help?
project ID:
45ce4783-9560-4cd6-9fe7-8982bd5ab43413 replies
PostgreSQL not inserting data
So i have a bot that inserts data about files to a db that are uploaded to backblaze through it.
I use postgre to keep track.
im using psycopg2, and using the simple query:
This should be correct according to the psycopg2 docs.
When i run the command, all goes well. The file is uploaded, the link for the file is returned, and no errors are printed. However when i check the table its empty?
I tried running the query on railway, in the little tab for it, and it ran with no errors.
What is interesting though is that the ID, which is a serial autoincrement field, was
, meaning something was caught by the db, but the table was still empty. nothing was ever in the table.
Im scratching my head at this.
Project ID: 45ce4783-9560-4cd6-9fe7-8982bd5ab43413 replies
App not building
I have an python app for a discord bot. This is my second one on railway actually the first one is working fine.
The app does not build. There are no build logs. I added the start command already, there is a requirements.txt file present in the repo. I just don't get it.
The app deploys but the bot never comes online, and then the app also crashes after about 3 or 4 minutes, which now that I come to think of it is close to the 300 second health check time.
Anyways, I don't understand why it's not building. Please help 🫶
27 replies
A lil help with the pricing and plans
i have a smol app. just a discord bot that used maybe 0.5 to 1 dollar last month. now to my understanding you get 5$ for free every month, but the execution hours are limited to about 23ish days.
so my question is, will adding credits unlock extra execution hours, if so how many and how will the credits be used since my app probably wont break past 5$
18 replies