Railway16mo ago

A lil help with the pricing and plans

i have a smol app. just a discord bot that used maybe 0.5 to 1 dollar last month. now to my understanding you get 5$ for free every month, but the execution hours are limited to about 23ish days. so my question is, will adding credits unlock extra execution hours, if so how many and how will the credits be used since my app probably wont break past 5$
12 Replies
Percy16mo ago
Project ID: 45ce4783-9560-4cd6-9fe7-8982bd5ab434
Percy16mo ago
Head to this page and you’ll see the estimated usage of your projects: https://railway.app/account/usage. The top section where it says ‘estimated bill’ does include the 5$ credit. The bottom section with estimated usage of your projects does not. You will also see costs per project in the same page.
⚠️ experimental feature
inotmad16mo ago
MantisInABox16mo ago
When you attach a card and buy credit, you unlock the developer plan which does not have an hour limit. If your usage does not go over the $5 credit that is provided by railway, the credits you purchase will not be used
inotmad16mo ago
so basically i can add 1$ and never have to pay again (unless ofc my bot uses more resources)
MantisInABox16mo ago
Pretty much, but I don’t think you can add $1… you would have to see what the minimum amount you can add is
inotmad16mo ago
i think you can pretty neat glitch idk ty tho
Ray16mo ago
You don’t have to add any credits. Just subscribe to the dev plan by entering card details and you’ll get $5 in free credits every month. If your usage doesn’t exceed $5, it’s free; you won’t get charged
inotmad16mo ago
if im not wrong that would charge the card every month for the resources you use
MantisInABox16mo ago
That’s exactly what would happen, if you go over $5 in usage
inotmad16mo ago
yeah now since its my parents card i dont need any of that
Ray16mo ago
yep, only if you go over $5, since the first $5 is free, so:
just a discord bot that used maybe 0.5 to 1 dollar last month
it's free 🙂 (but of course that's not really a good answer since it assumes that you definitely won't go over $5/mo, and things can happen. It should be fine for a Discord bot unless the bot connects to external services or does some processing that may increase cpu/memory usage, like loading stuff.)