Created by Ray on 11/9/2023 in #✋|help
Community Forum Preview
👋 Hey all! We’re launching a preview of our Community Forums. You can check it out at https://community.railway.app/. You can ask questions and get help on the forums at https://community.railway.app/discuss/topic/questions. Our ultimate goal is to give you a cohesive Railway experience across the board, and we believe that should extend to every facet of the product, especially community. We aim to build and foster something that's more than "just a regular forum" with y’all, and this is the early days of it. We can't build this without you, so please roam around and feel free to drop any feedback, thoughts, feature requests, and questions. We love feedback so we'll take anything you have! Check it out and let us know what you think in https://community.railway.app/discuss/thread/community-forum-preview-fe921684 <a:party_railway:812486353853218816>
72 replies
Created by Ray on 3/22/2023 in #✋|help
`railway up`: 504 Gateway Timeout
$ railway up
Compressed [====================] 100%
Error: HTTP status server error (504 Gateway Timeout) for url (https://backboard.railway.app/project/ea673539-502e-4690-8fef-0503fa9123c9/environment/9a3b5bb2-8030-44b3-9f17-1241b21bc364/up?serviceId=840bb42c-cb06-4a6f-aa07-c5337c399cb2)
$ railway up
Compressed [====================] 100%
Error: HTTP status server error (504 Gateway Timeout) for url (https://backboard.railway.app/project/ea673539-502e-4690-8fef-0503fa9123c9/environment/9a3b5bb2-8030-44b3-9f17-1241b21bc364/up?serviceId=840bb42c-cb06-4a6f-aa07-c5337c399cb2)
I see a route propagation issue in #🚨|incidents, however that was resolved ~16hrs ago.
42 replies