DHDistant Horizons
Created by Nyx on 12/23/2024 in #help-me
Help with error message
I had ended up just disabling the chat logging so I didnt notice.
32 replies
DHDistant Horizons
Created by Nyx on 12/23/2024 in #help-me
Help with error message
oh, sweet. thank you!
32 replies
DHDistant Horizons
Created by Nyx on 12/23/2024 in #help-me
Help with error message
is there anything that can be done to fix it?
32 replies
DHDistant Horizons
Created by Nyx on 12/23/2024 in #help-me
Help with error message
nvm that doesnt do anything.
32 replies
DHDistant Horizons
Created by Nyx on 12/23/2024 in #help-me
Help with error message
@Nyx going into dh settings, advanced, lod building, and setting "data compression" to LZ4
32 replies
DHDistant Horizons
Created by Nyx on 12/23/2024 in #help-me
Help with error message
Yeah nothing ive tried works. Even with fresh installs, config deletions, and new worlds. I think it is an issue with the mod itself now
32 replies
DHDistant Horizons
Created by Nyx on 12/23/2024 in #help-me
Help with error message
I have a theory that c2me might do something to the world that breaks things. Ill let you know what I find
32 replies
DHDistant Horizons
Created by Nyx on 12/23/2024 in #help-me
Help with error message
@Nyx are you using c2me?
32 replies
DHDistant Horizons
Created by Nyx on 12/23/2024 in #help-me
Help with error message
disabling distant generation removes the error, but obviously is not ideal
32 replies
DHDistant Horizons
Created by Nyx on 12/23/2024 in #help-me
Help with error message
32 replies
DHDistant Horizons
Created by Nyx on 12/23/2024 in #help-me
Help with error message
@Nyx are you using shockbyte?
32 replies
DHDistant Horizons
Created by Nyx on 12/23/2024 in #help-me
Help with error message
Yeah you are right, nevermind again. I was mistaken because the chat carried over from multiplayer when I join a singleplayer world
32 replies
DHDistant Horizons
Created by Nyx on 12/23/2024 in #help-me
Help with error message
It appears to be an issue with server to client communication. It doesn't happen when DH is removed from the server. I have tried changing JVM arguments and adding/removing mods to no avail. Also, the log shows none of the errors when using a singleplayer world.
32 replies
DHDistant Horizons
Created by Nyx on 12/23/2024 in #help-me
Help with error message
Here is my full log to whomever it may concern for troubleshooting
32 replies
DHDistant Horizons
Created by Nyx on 12/23/2024 in #help-me
Help with error message
I am having the same issue
32 replies
DHDistant Horizons
Created by Nyx on 12/23/2024 in #help-me
Help with error message
Does it look like this?
[18:28:53] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] [Distant Horizons] §4§l§uERROR:§r Error while fetching full data source, attempts left: 2 / 3\njava.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: readerIndex(16) + length(138255) exceeds writerIndex(123661): CompositeByteBuf(ridx: 16, widx: 123661, cap: 123661, components=10)\n at knot//io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.checkReadableBytes0(\n at knot//io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.checkReadableBytes(\n at knot//io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.readBytes(\n at knot//io.netty.buffer.CompositeByteBuf.readBytes(\n at knot//io.netty.buffer.CompositeByteBuf.readBytes(\n at knot//com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.sql.dto.FullDataSourceV2DTO.decode(\n at knot//\n at knot//com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.multiplayer.fullData.FullDataPayloadReceiver.decodeDataSourceAndReleaseBuffer(\n at knot//com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.multiplayer.client.AbstractFullDataNetworkRequestQueue.lambda$sendNextRequest$6(\n at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.uniHandle(\n at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniHandle.tryFire(\n at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.postComplete(\n at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.nt.AbstractNetworkEventSource.handleMessage(\n at knot//\n at knot//com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.api.internal.ClientApi.pluginMessageReceived(\n at knot//com.seibel.distanthorizons.fabric.FabricClientProxy.lambda$registerEvents$10(\n at knot//net.fabricmc.fabric.impl.networking.client.ClientPlayNetworkAddon.lambda$receive$0(\n at knot//net.minecraft.class_1255.method_18859(\n at knot//net.minecraft.class_4093.method_18859(\n at knot//net.minecraft.class_1255.method_16075(\n at knot//net.minecraft.class_1255.method_5383(\n at knot//net.minecraft.class_310.method_1523(\n at knot//net.minecraft.class_310.method_1514(\n at knot//net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(\n at\n at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(\n at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(\n
[18:28:53] [Render thread/INFO]: [System] [CHAT] [Distant Horizons] §4§l§uERROR:§r Error while fetching full data source, attempts left: 2 / 3\njava.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: readerIndex(16) + length(138255) exceeds writerIndex(123661): CompositeByteBuf(ridx: 16, widx: 123661, cap: 123661, components=10)\n at knot//io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.checkReadableBytes0(\n at knot//io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.checkReadableBytes(\n at knot//io.netty.buffer.AbstractByteBuf.readBytes(\n at knot//io.netty.buffer.CompositeByteBuf.readBytes(\n at knot//io.netty.buffer.CompositeByteBuf.readBytes(\n at knot//com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.sql.dto.FullDataSourceV2DTO.decode(\n at knot//\n at knot//com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.multiplayer.fullData.FullDataPayloadReceiver.decodeDataSourceAndReleaseBuffer(\n at knot//com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.multiplayer.client.AbstractFullDataNetworkRequestQueue.lambda$sendNextRequest$6(\n at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.uniHandle(\n at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniHandle.tryFire(\n at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.postComplete(\n at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.nt.AbstractNetworkEventSource.handleMessage(\n at knot//\n at knot//com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.api.internal.ClientApi.pluginMessageReceived(\n at knot//com.seibel.distanthorizons.fabric.FabricClientProxy.lambda$registerEvents$10(\n at knot//net.fabricmc.fabric.impl.networking.client.ClientPlayNetworkAddon.lambda$receive$0(\n at knot//net.minecraft.class_1255.method_18859(\n at knot//net.minecraft.class_4093.method_18859(\n at knot//net.minecraft.class_1255.method_16075(\n at knot//net.minecraft.class_1255.method_5383(\n at knot//net.minecraft.class_310.method_1523(\n at knot//net.minecraft.class_310.method_1514(\n at knot//net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(\n at\n at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.Knot.launch(\n at net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient.main(\n
32 replies