RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by hudrucan on 3/28/2024 in #fix-my-printer
Inconsistent layers ech every 4mm with belted Z - V-Minion | TicTac Custom
there was some talk in other channels about the z-belt mod causing a tiny bit of bounce or "rebound" on the z-axis. Check in v-minion-mods discussion channel for more information. I don't think you're the first person to experience it.
recommendation is to go back to the screw but keep the dual rails.
3 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Tahaka on 11/30/2022 in #ratos-support
V Minion attempting first print
Ok, thanks everybody for the help!
Extrusion issue was fixed with the adjustment to the "variable_relative_extrusion" value - default config was set to false, when I flipped it to true (to match the setting in superslicer), the extruder started working during the print cycle!
Extrusion issue was fixed with the adjustment to the "variable_relative_extrusion" value - default config was set to false, when I flipped it to true (to match the setting in superslicer), the extruder started working during the print cycle!
26 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Tahaka on 11/30/2022 in #ratos-support
V Minion attempting first print
Ok, took apart the z-axis spider coupler and put it all back together. checked for parallel, etc. - I did notice a small bit of the spool holder corner might have been rubbing on the rail carriage as it raised up to the same level as the spool holder so I moved it off to a different axis of the main pillar. z-axis rail is completely clear of any potential interference.
re-ran the probe-calibration, etc. and got a positive value.
after watching earlier video of the nozzle drag on my phone, I noticed that the "primeblob" portion of the print was pushing the probe out over the edge of the bed - I'm thinking this might be the cause of the nozzle getting driven down into the bed and scrapping the x-axis. Not sure why the "primeblob" is trying to push out past the bed boundary, etc. Are there any code adjustments to bring it back in towards the center of the bed? With that observation, I disabled the "primeblob" command in the printer.cfg file and on the next print, the print head moved perfectly into position and started layer printing. Now I have a second issue (lol). The LGX Lite extruder is not pushing filament out during the actual print cycle. It pushes filament out just fine if I heat up the hot end and a. manually rotate the gear to push filament out b. use the klipper extruder interface to test 50/25/10/5 mm filament "strings". works perfectly as far as I can tell - just not during layer printing. I verified that there's an air gap between the nozzle and the bed during the first layer so I know it's not rubbing the PEI bed, etc. During the layer print, the extruder gears are just "tweaking" clockwise/counterclockwise and not actually advancing filament. Any thoughts on this next issue with the extruder?
after watching earlier video of the nozzle drag on my phone, I noticed that the "primeblob" portion of the print was pushing the probe out over the edge of the bed - I'm thinking this might be the cause of the nozzle getting driven down into the bed and scrapping the x-axis. Not sure why the "primeblob" is trying to push out past the bed boundary, etc. Are there any code adjustments to bring it back in towards the center of the bed? With that observation, I disabled the "primeblob" command in the printer.cfg file and on the next print, the print head moved perfectly into position and started layer printing. Now I have a second issue (lol). The LGX Lite extruder is not pushing filament out during the actual print cycle. It pushes filament out just fine if I heat up the hot end and a. manually rotate the gear to push filament out b. use the klipper extruder interface to test 50/25/10/5 mm filament "strings". works perfectly as far as I can tell - just not during layer printing. I verified that there's an air gap between the nozzle and the bed during the first layer so I know it's not rubbing the PEI bed, etc. During the layer print, the extruder gears are just "tweaking" clockwise/counterclockwise and not actually advancing filament. Any thoughts on this next issue with the extruder?
26 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Tahaka on 11/30/2022 in #ratos-support
V Minion attempting first print

26 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Tahaka on 11/30/2022 in #ratos-support
V Minion attempting first print
Ok, I did a full RatOS reset on the pi, started from scratch. ran through the x/y-axis probe offset, z-axis probe calibration, etc.
Printer continues to home just fine and the PROBE command stops as expected right above the print bed, etc. Bed mesh calibration didn't have any issues either.
z-offset using the probe_calibration ended up at a -0.500, saved into the printer.cfg file by the save_config command following the calibration. Not sure why the system is saving it as a neg value if it can never be a negative value. Obviously I'm still missing something here in regards to z-offset with Klipper.
the printer is still dragging the nozzle along the x-axis at the start of a calibration cube print from SuperSlicer.
Uploaded screen shots of the print head for reference, and shots from the printer.cfg file and results of the probe calibration.
appreciate the help with what's most likely a problem between my keyboard and chair 🙂
26 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by Tahaka on 11/30/2022 in #ratos-support
V Minion attempting first print
ok guys - thanks for the responses and suggestions. I'll work on it a bit today and see if I can re-adjust it properly with the z-offset panel.
the probe is clone superpinda v2 from FYSETC, it's got a shorter barrel than the one that shipped with the kit.
If I can't get it going with the current suggestions, I'll post actual distances, etc. and some photos to make sure I have it installed correctly.
If I can't get it going with the current suggestions, I'll post actual distances, etc. and some photos to make sure I have it installed correctly.
26 replies