Baldur Odinson
ML Profile Matcher
@OkOk Imagine a job profile finder, you as user needs to have some suggestions (summary) and you have your profile (goals), the idea is to make a profile matcher, however what I am looking for is something to make this job possible for a such task, I am not sure what could be the best, if Tensorflow, or any other easier alternative.
5 replies
❔ implementing api authentication in
@ayman65 just in case, if you are getting involved in Software Developement, normally these kind of conversations are very normal! Do not get afraid of them, actually if you ask something, I am prettty sure if any of us will kindly answer you! 🙂
111 replies
❔ implementing api authentication in
Let's imagine this scenario, in this service
Before anything it should be
, instead BadRequest
but the service is already telling the controller what should return, why should I need to create a repetitve logic in every controller, if(HTTP_Reponse) then return NotFound()
in every controller all the time, this is the reason of having the GenericReturnableHelper
because think in a big scale, X controllers, with Y amount of the methods, writting all the validations for each one of them, it will make this enormous.111 replies
❔ implementing api authentication in
Nope, because that means we have 200 HTTP response the UI will always treat it like 200 response, what happens if the records were not found in the DB and there are another logic in the UI that maps 401, 500, 200, 201 and so on? You cannot always return
111 replies
❔ implementing api authentication in
If you noticied, this is actually a service that returns an
interface tha you have to inherit the class Controller
in here
public class GenericReturnableHelper : Controller, IGenericReturnableHelper
coming from using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
111 replies