ML Profile Matcher
Hi team! I am trying to build a profile matcher, where I have two tables, and and my idea is to retreive all the possible matches between these two both tables, I understand that for this purpose it is ok to use Tensorflow or something similar, however such implementation might be complicated.
Is there any alternative or ideas to reach such task?
3 Replies
This question in not phrased well
@OkOk Imagine a job profile finder, you as user needs to have some suggestions (summary) and you have your profile (goals), the idea is to make a profile matcher, however what I am looking for is something to make this job possible for a such task, I am not sure what could be the best, if Tensorflow, or any other easier alternative.
Making a simple query in the DB can be the easiest, but it is terrible to make a everytime a user wants to find suggestions
This is too niche for me