Baldur Odinson
ML Profile Matcher
Hi team! I am trying to build a profile matcher, where I have two tables, and and my idea is to retreive all the possible matches between these two both tables, I understand that for this purpose it is ok to use Tensorflow or something similar, however such implementation might be complicated.
Is there any alternative or ideas to reach such task?
5 replies
❔ Contacts DB Strategy
Hey guys! I have a question, maybe someone can give a nice shot with this problem.
I have DB where there are multiple users [dbo].[Users], however every user might have another user as a contact and vise-versa.
For example:
User1 wants to be a contact of User2, but at the moment that we save that in SQL, (in our DB) we will have Id, U1, U2, hypothetically speaking, it will be like
Id: 1,
User1: "ABC",
User2: "DEF"
But at the moment to User2 want to query his contacts, the query will must be something like:
(User1 = @SenderId AND User2 = @RecipientId)
(User1 = @RecipientId AND User2 = @SenderId)
And this is an actual problem, does anyone knows a better approach in such scenario how it can be optimal to do this?
7 replies