❔ implementing api authentication in asp.net
Any .net developers who would be willing to help me implement an api with token authentication?
44 Replies
I can help! I have a repo in Github that runs all that implementation. Please take a look at this https://github.com/HeyBaldur/Company.API and let me know if it is clear enough
GitHub - HeyBaldur/Company.API: The project is based on good practi...
The project is based on good practices for developers and demonstrates an optimal way to print data. The main utility of this project is to store company information such as basic information, who ...
The token auth implemented there is pretty bare bones, and some other things in that project is either just outdated (.NET 5, startup) or borderline a war crime (Company.API/Helpers/GenericReturnableHelper.cs).
@pobiega my apologies but
1. This repo is effectively basic, very good eye from your side
2. It is about helping, this is NOT a judgment about technologies, versions and so on
3. If you have better idea to provide help to @ayman56 then provide it 

Im just clarifying for any potential reader to not try and learn generally from that project, because it has issues. The Auth itself works, if you want a super stripped down non-validating Auth.
The project is based on good practices for developers and demonstrates an optimal way to print data. It can be used both for learning and for real production work.With statements like this comes the responsibility to actually deliver on those promises.
hmm I think you might hate something I did for my project
oh wait I just saw this
yeah this is a war crime
_genericReturnableHelper.GenericReturnableObject(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK, result);
to prevent doing Ok(result)
@ayman65 Did somebody help you finally?
@pobiega @snowy9228 Where are you seeing this
_genericReturnableHelper.GenericReturnableObject(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK, result);
Hello thank you for your help.
I am still processing the code inside the repo you linked to me
I am new to .net development
I need to specify that the api is inside a mvc 5 web app and not a separate project. Would this still work for me?
@pobiega Interesting, but in the code I see this
return _genericReturnableHelper.GenericReturnableObject(result.StatusCode, result);
That actually is coming from the result in the service
public async Task<GenericOperationResponse<bool>> CreateCompanyAsync(List<BusinessDto> businesses, string userId)
coming from here
That finally the logic is implemented in this helper
I don't see where the crime isGitHub
Company.API/Company.API/Helpers/GenericReturnableHelper.cs at main ...
The project is based on good practices for developers and demonstrates an optimal way to print data. The main utility of this project is to store company information such as basic information, who ...
Company.API/Company.Infrastructure/Services/CompanyService.cs at ma...
The project is based on good practices for developers and demonstrates an optimal way to print data. The main utility of this project is to store company information such as basic information, who ...
Authorization is applied the same in all forms of ASP projects
Remove your embeds
The "crime" is this:
thats literally just a wrapper for Ok
and your helper inherits from Controller
in order to do it
If you just want an easier way to have a single return based on code, use an extension methodNope! There is not wrapper for
It will return any of the results from these public IActionResult GenericReturnableObject<T>(HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode, T data)
It will return any of these

I'm aware.
Note how you inherit from
in order to do so
which is a crime in itself
you are also removing a layer of type safety in order to do thisIf you noticied, this is actually a service that returns an
interface tha you have to inherit the class Controller
in here
public class GenericReturnableHelper : Controller, IGenericReturnableHelper
coming from using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
If you want that exact behavior, why not just use an extension method?
there you go.
no more warcrimes
no inheriting from controller in a non-controller, no super long type/function names
And also note how its no longer returning
because thats the untyped HTTP response type
you want the typed version, if possible.It is nice approach actually, but how the controller will call this extension?
How should look the controller when it is returning the final result
it should be able to infer the generic type if your result model is well defined
still, I don't think this is the best way to do it. I'd prefer to use a rich result type as the return type from your
that method shouldnt know about http details like status codes
here is an example
the idea being that the controller is in charge of mapping the result to the correct http response, and nothing else
my command/service/handler isnt aware of any http conceptsHere is where I disagree because this kind of logic should not be in controller, the service must handle this
And, also, the controller must not have the model like
it should be clean an genericNo. The service should not be aware of HTTP concepts.
Uh no
controller actions should avoid having untyped response types
swagger has no idea what you are returning
with ActionResult<T>
it does
You are of course free to code as you will, but your way of doing things is an antipattern and definately not best practice.
Just to add some credibility to my statements, I'm a senior backend engineer and have been working with ASP.NET for over 10 years.
Untyped response models and http logic in services/handlers would not pass a code review at any company I've worked at.I partially agree, good one
@ayman65 Did you catch anything? haha I think it is great discussion
I think its a bit off-topic from his original question sadly 😛
haha I think so!
Anyway for learning purposes, and understand briefly how a token could be implemented, the repo might give you an idea @ayman65
@pobiega is returning
fine rather than IActionResult
? I think that this will allow Swagger to understand the type T
, just like when returning ActionResult<T>
if that's true, wouldn't it then be better to use IActionResult<T>
rather than ActionResult<T>
? Because we have a strongly typed response either way but using abstraction gives more flexiblity over concretionThere is no such thing as
and ActionResult<T>
has implicit conversions for T => ActionResult<T>
What "flexiblity over concretion" do you need in a controller?I'm pretty sure it was on the "CashierController" or something. But your returnable helper is just an useless piece of code that has no actual value i'm sorry but its true
Also it is a war crime the way you use HttpStatus code to map to IActionResults
why do that
if you get to the point of doing that, either use a Result and map it in your controller/appservice or just straight up return the objectresult lol
I didn't see this
thanks im not the one that have an issue with the word definitely
It's not bad to use IActionResult tho, it has it's use cases. If you want to keep using IActionResult and make sure swagger knows the return type, you can always just use the
and pass on the Type
Although using an ActionResult<T>
is easier in most scenariosGenuinely curious, what legitimate cases do you have for using
? I can only think of having multiple return models (error model, sucess model)
(And in that case, I personally prefer a composite return object to make consumption easier)It's not really an use case, it's just that due to the flow of my application there is no way any other response type can come from that controller. And I simply don't care for swagger being aware or not of the return type.
oops xD I could've sworn I always write
into my apis but you are totally right that doesn't exist. Forget what I said, I am using Task<ActionResult<SomeDTO>>
also back then I just didn't want to have duplicated code to handle generic results
There is nothing inherently wrong in using
, it can lead to inconsistence but just because the controller isn't strongly typed, doesn't mean the rest of the application isn't.
Also being approved in a code review at your company or not is more a question of company policies regarding their product's code
@ayman65 Are you using identity? Is it possible for you to post your api to github? implementing authentication and authorization isn't really that complicated
The content around it kinda sucks tho@pobiega gave great points, however can you explain why @snowy9228 why do you think it is a useless piece of code?
You're literally adding more complexity to your code by having a switch case that receives an http status code and maps it to a helper method in the controller base class
When you could simply
return Ok()
or return new OkObjectResult(result);
Nope, because that means we have 200 HTTP response the UI will always treat it like 200 response, what happens if the records were not found in the DB and there are another logic in the UI that maps 401, 500, 200, 201 and so on? You cannot always return
so you'd
return NotFound()
or return new NotFoundObjectResult()
or return new NotFoundResult()
It's the same thing
I said Ok but I am not telling you to return Ok everywhere
The same way you can return Ok, you can return different response typesok, mean that in the controller, I should have all of them, based on the response from the
even if the in the service there was a problem in the catch
Your GenericReturnableObject literally does that, since it already knows what to return based on the HttpStatusCode it receives, it is literally running around in circles
brb gotta take a shower
Let's imagine this scenario, in this service
Before anything it should be
, instead BadRequest
but the service is already telling the controller what should return, why should I need to create a repetitve logic in every controller, if(HTTP_Reponse) then return NotFound()
in every controller all the time, this is the reason of having the GenericReturnableHelper
because think in a big scale, X controllers, with Y amount of the methods, writting all the validations for each one of them, it will make this enormous.GitHub
Company.API/Company.Infrastructure/Services/UserService.cs at main ...
The project is based on good practices for developers and demonstrates an optimal way to print data. The main utility of this project is to store company information such as basic information, who ...
There is already a generic response method. its called
you use it in one of your branches@HeyBaldur And honestly if you get to the point of doing this, just use a Result type already
it is super useful
I’d like to hear ur opinion on this https://discord.com/channels/143867839282020352/1126646147197436005
ignore the fact that it uses IActionResult
I agree! Me too
he already opinionated in there
@ayman65 just in case, if you are getting involved in Software Developement, normally these kind of conversations are very normal! Do not get afraid of them, actually if you ask something, I am prettty sure if any of us will kindly answer you! 🙂
I will check it out!
also why the hell are you using a semaphore to perform database operations
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