Created by ayman23 on 7/12/2023 in #help
❔ sending multiple object json via API
Hello developers, i am Ayman I am working on a project implementing api inside my web app mvc 5 but I'm struggling to send multiple object json via the api. I need to know specifically how to send a json containing a model instance and a string. Any help or advice would be appreciated
6 replies
Created by ayman23 on 7/7/2023 in #help
❔ API controller implementation inside mvc 5 app
Hello developers, I need help with my project, i am relatively new to .net development but i understand the basics. I already have the existing web app in mvc5 working with a couple of controllers that save some data in a db and generate an excel file. My project is to develop a mobile app with the same ui as the web app (which i have already done using xamarin forms) and send the data from the mobile app to the web app that will be processed using controller logic and saved to the db. The mobile app has is only for entring data and saving model data to db. The backend should be done inside the web app since we already have the logic there once the data is sent via Api I am trying to create an api controller inside my web app that calls the actions in the web app controllers upon receiving model data via the api post request. Is this the right way to do it or there is a better way? ( I had some suggestions creating a new Web Api project and copy all the code from my web app controllers but wouldn't that be redundant?)
4 replies
Created by ayman23 on 7/6/2023 in #help
❔ implementing api authentication in asp.net
Any .net developers who would be willing to help me implement an api with token authentication?
111 replies
Created by ayman23 on 7/5/2023 in #help
❔ help with asp.net web app
Hello can an asp.net developer help me with a project creating an api to automate sope functionalities in my mvc 5 app. i can discuss pay and assignment in private I would prefer someone to coach me throughout my project not do the work for me.
4 replies