BSBuape Studios
Created by Mei on 1/16/2025 in #kiai-support
Need Assistance for VC Minutes - Addition and Removal
Hello! I need assistance for adding and removing VC minutes because the bug happened again.
9 replies
BSBuape Studios
Created by Mei on 1/11/2025 in #kiai-support
Voice XP not recording for other members
It works for most of my members but it doesn’t for a few. What can we do to resolve this?
20 replies
BSBuape Studios
Created by Mei on 1/10/2025 in #kiai-support
What does the automatic leaderboard look like?
I'm thinking of subscribing to Premium but idk what the automatic leaderboard looks like or if its worth it.
17 replies
BSBuape Studios
Created by Mei on 1/9/2025 in #kiai-support
Importing from MEE6 Error
No description
41 replies