•Created by Noah on 1/25/2025 in #🙋questions
What are best practices for tweaking caching for react-query through wasp?
Sure, will let you know and also excited for the swap and also this is my first micro b2b saas product as well 🙂 Good to get some feedback. I need 1-2 weeks for bug bashing and then will be ready 🚀 :boi:
23 replies
•Created by Noah on 1/25/2025 in #🙋questions
What are best practices for tweaking caching for react-query through wasp?
makes sense, yes i created exactly same function and disable some of the configs from react-query 🙂 Will post soon in made with wasp channel about my product. Have been working last 2 months to create marketing/dashboard website 🙂
23 replies
•Created by Noah on 1/25/2025 in #🙋questions
What are best practices for tweaking caching for react-query through wasp?
@Noah My bad i was try to figure how to talk with kapa.ai to as k something in knowledge base. I was able to create setup finction to disable some configs in React-query like refetchOnWindowFocus and refetchOnReconnect. Because it is not important for my case
23 replies
•Created by Noah on 1/25/2025 in #🙋questions
What are best practices for tweaking caching for react-query through wasp?
@kapa.ai how to use mySetupFunction ?
23 replies
•Created by Noah on 1/25/2025 in #🙋questions
What are best practices for tweaking caching for react-query through wasp?
@kapa.ai how to use configureQueryClient ?
23 replies
•Created by Noah on 1/25/2025 in #🙋questions
What are best practices for tweaking caching for react-query through wasp?
23 replies
•Created by yalcinos on 1/29/2025 in #🙋questions
Fly io Region or any alternatives?
Ahh that's good input thanks a lot. I am currently based on Canada but will do more research about Russia sansctions
8 replies
•Created by Killshot on 3/6/2024 in #🙋questions
Need Recommendations
For marketing email, Resend provides 1000 contacts/mo free but Sendgrid only 100
26 replies
•Created by Killshot on 3/6/2024 in #🙋questions
Need Recommendations
makes sense it does actually support smtp which i am going to try to use it
26 replies
•Created by Killshot on 3/6/2024 in #🙋questions
Need Recommendations
Hi all, I have one question 🙂 I would like to use Resend with React-Email library. Resend have really generious plan and it is really easy to use for developers. Is there any way to override default email provider and inject Resend?
26 replies