Hydration Classname Mismatch Warnings
In my case I am using a
file like this:
I've tried the nuxtApp hooks but somehow the plugin fires as soon as it is imported at the top. I did not find a way to have it fire only after mount13 replies
Hydration Classname Mismatch Warnings
hi @success131 and thanks for your answer. I do understand why these warnings show up, and yes, lazyload plugin changes the classnames because it is indicating that the image is loaded, I mean it makes sense that the classnames are different on the client in the end somehow.
I might have to change to a different lazyloader. It is just weird because these erros never showed up until recent updates
13 replies
Correct setup for `swr`
I've deployed a test on Netlify with these settings
also, it looks like the page data is not updating after the routes from
https://euphonious-melomakarona-134f3d.netlify.app/2 replies
asyncData updates before page transition is done
I am not sure what you meant with the unique key; I added
at the first div in my template. But this did not help. After adding this key, I was seeing both (old and new) content during the page transition. It is like as if the fetching of new data does not work until the page transition is faded out7 replies