Nuxt3y ago

server api useBody not working ?

Hi for me, the most simple example is not working: https://nuxt.com/docs/guide/directory-structure/server#handling-requests-with-body Somehow the body is not received / read. Also I found out that $fetch from the example should be changed to useFetch... So my setup is this: some component
async function onSubmit() {
const { data } = await useFetch("/api/newsletter/signup", {
method: "post",
body: { email: email?.value },
console.log(data?.value); // returns `{}`
async function onSubmit() {
const { data } = await useFetch("/api/newsletter/signup", {
method: "post",
body: { email: email?.value },
console.log(data?.value); // returns `{}`
my /api/newsletter/signup.post.js
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
const payload = await readBody(event);
return { payload }; // returns {}
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
const payload = await readBody(event);
return { payload }; // returns {}
anyone has any idea what I am doing wrong?
The server/ directory is used to register API and server handlers to your application.
4 Replies
Unknown User
Unknown User3y ago
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Fabian B.
Fabian B.3y ago
Hi, it's readBody, not useBody. Did you get it to work?
tierraOP3y ago
Thanks, I wasn't usign useBody as you can see in my example, I already figured this out. But still, nothing will be returned. I am also experienceing debugging problems, for instance I change the code in my server/api folder but I would not update, even after restarting the server. I am on nuxt 3.2.0 but had the same with 3.1.2 So I logged some things newsletter.post.ts
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
const payload = await readBody(event);
return {
test: "abc",
email: payload,
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
const payload = await readBody(event);
return {
test: "abc",
email: payload,
Update: Ifound out this was because of my routeRules in my nuxt.config.ts
Fabian B.
Fabian B.3y ago
Interesting, so is this thread solved?

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