is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
If you don't want to be complaining that you cannot find a dev job 1.5-2 years from now, you will do yourself a favor if you drop it and re-take.
51 replies
is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
They are applicable to any programming language
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is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
That you must really understand
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is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
OOP345 teaches some super fundamental concepts
51 replies
is there anyone that would be able to help me study for oop345?
Imo, it's better drop
51 replies
CPSComputer Programming - Seneca Polytechnic College
Created by River Lilly🇬🇭🇨🇦 on 6/8/2023 in #ask-a-question
Full-Time vs. Part-Time delivery for CPA
And yeah, you can switch. I started part-time because the full-time CPA was wait-listed. And the next term I transferred. All the credits got transferred automatically. In terms of finding a job, I think co-op job is a very good shot. Many people get hired full-time after their co-op terms. I know at least 7 people who were hired.
3 replies
CPSComputer Programming - Seneca Polytechnic College
Created by River Lilly🇬🇭🇨🇦 on 6/8/2023 in #ask-a-question
Full-Time vs. Part-Time delivery for CPA
Hey, as someone who took some of the courses part-time, I can tell that there is a huge gap between what they teach you in day school or night school. Night school is VERY easy imo, but it's a bad thing because it doesn't make you job-ready, it just gives you that diploma.. Everyone in night school (part-time classes) including professors, have their main job. So for all of them it's like a side gig. They won't burden you with tons of assignments (except a few exceptions), lengthy labs, tons of assessments etc. It's way more relaxed. I only took classes that I deemed 'unimportant' part-time. The only important one was IPC144, but I took it after I finished Harvard's CS50, and I lucked out with professor, so it wasn't too bad for me.
3 replies
CPSComputer Programming - Seneca Polytechnic College
Created by River Lilly🇬🇭🇨🇦 on 5/28/2023 in #ask-a-question
CPA program or Business Admin - Marketing program to bridge into Seneca's Data Science degree?
By no means I am an expert in this question, but if you do want to get into data science, I would recommend against Seneca degree. I have done my co-op at Scotiabank, and all of the actual data science interns were from universities. Only a couple of them were from UofT data science master's program. The rest were CompSci or Mathematics majors minoring in finance, or any similar kind of combination (like double majors - CompSci/BBA). I would say that in general any degree received in college doesn't sound the same in that field as any sciency degree from universities. It would have been different for simple data analyst roles, but that's definitely not as interesting as data science. To elaborate even further, it even matters which university. Some universities get definitely more favour than others. This is just 1 example, but it feels like it would be the case in any big company. Too much depends on data scientists. And yeah, good knowledge of ML algorithms and Python ML libraries is a prereq for even intern data science roles. I don't know anyone in that role who didn't major in something very math-heavy.
4 replies
Do you have to pay full tuition fees for a single course?
But yeah, they recalculate the fees after the term starts
6 replies
Do you have to pay full tuition fees for a single course?
Otherwise, they will make you pay all the auxiliary fees as well. I took one full-time course in winter, they charged me around 700$ or smth like that for that 1 course
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Do you have to pay full tuition fees for a single course?
If you take it part-time, you pay less than 300$ for it
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Do you have to pay full tuition fees for a single course?
If you are domestic, you are better off taking that course part-time
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Anyone take Harvard's CS50? How does it compare to IPC144?
It is 100% worth to take it. Watch not only David Malan's lectures, but also small additional videos they post with labs. CS50 doesn't cover everything for IPC, but the two courses complement each other. So if you do all of CS50 (including coding problems that you should do without googling answers), IPC144 will be a breeze imo. CS50 stuff was still helpful in term 4 as well, because it also covers data structures amd algorithms. The most important thing it teaches is to think in a certain way, to build your logic.
5 replies