Anyone got a custom emailverification example?
I'm trying to set up custom verification to do one simple thing - subscribe the new user to a mailing list after verification but before login (which is when Filament normally fires the Verified event).
I've tried multiple different ways, but can't get my head round how filament verifcation is working. I know the panel emailVerification() method exists, but not sure what to do in the class I add as an argument to that method. I've seen a small number of questions on this here, but some pass in a controller, some seem to pass in a response, and none do quite what I'm looking to do.
Any suggestions would be REALLY gratefully received.
4 replies
Test tenancy redirects
Got a wierd one here.
If I go to my filament app, login, then in the browser just enter https://domain.com/admin (the default panel is 'admin'), I get successfully redirected to <default tenant>.domain.com/admin
All good.
But I try to test this via pest:
(Note: config('app.home_url_tld') is simply 'domain.com')
the final URL is https://domain.com , even though that's the same user with the default tenant
I've tested this by taking out the config helpers and just hard-coding the domain, and get the same issue.
Anyone got any idea why pest should be different to the browser in this case?
2 replies
I have a livewire event handler on my resource create and edit pages like this:
This takes the value provided by the livewire function and sets the form component to that value. Works great.
Now I want to do the same thing in a relationmanager on another resource, but apparently relationmanagers don't have $this->data.
Any ideas how I can achieve the same result?
EDIT: Just to clarify, I have to do it this way as $content is obtained from a JS widget that's embedded in the page, not from the rest of the filament form.
4 replies
A hint, not a question
Hi, just thought I'd share this hear as it took me a while to find the answer. If you need to populate a filament field from outside the alpine/livewire code (ie, in vanilla JS), do the following:
It's the event that's key, as that seems to update the actual alpine model, which then gets saved to the DB
4 replies
Sort within group in table
I've got the following table:
That works well, but groups by project first, then by the task deleted status. So you get:
Project A
Undeleted Task A1
Undeleted Task A2
Project B
Undeleted Task B1
Undeleted Task B2
Project A
Deleted Task A3
Deleted Task A4
Project B
Deleted Task B3
Deleted Task B4
What I'd like to get to is:
Project A
Undeleted Task A1
Undeleted Task A2
Deleted Task A3
Deleted Task A4
Project B
Undeleted Task B1
Undeleted Task B2
Deleted Task B3
Deleted Task B4
Anyone know how to do this?
4 replies
How to get table grid to align?
Hi, I've got the following code using the table grid, but the column tables don't line up. Any ideas on why? It's to do with the width of the actions, but I thought the grid was supposed to ensure everything aligned?
2 replies
Update select with live API data
Hi all,
I've got a select which has a suffixAction to reload options from an API:
But although updateProjects() does get the correct format data from API, I can't get it to re-load the select box from the new data. Any ideas how to do this? I've searched here, but nothing worked.
3 replies
How to save morphToMany relationship during create?
Hi, I'm getting the error "Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'categorizable_id' cannot be null" when laravel tries to run
The model has the following:
And the filament resource form has:
Obviously, the relationship can't be saved till after the parent Content model has been saved, but this seems be trying to do that in the reverse order.
Any idea how to get round this? I can't believe I'm the first person to encounter this, so it feels like something I've set up wrong.
9 replies
Redirect unauthorised tenant user to their default tenant
The filament middleware IdentifyTenant::class returns a standard 404 if the user tries to access the subdomain of a tenant they are not allowed to access.
Does anyone have a way to intercept/overwrite that, so I can redirect to a defined route?
2 replies
Plugin [awcodes/curator] is not registered for panel [admin]
After some issues with stancl/tenancy and fileupload (which I resolved by removing the stancl package), I've got file upload working, and decided to play with awcode's curator plugin. However, I'm getting the above error (which I don't think is a curator issue).
I have two panels: control and admin. I'm trying to use the plugin only in the control one, which has config as follows:
I'm on the /control route, and the panel is displaying the brandname "control", and the plugin is listed if I do $panel->getPlugins()
If I enable the plugin on the /admin panel, it then starts to work in /control, but I can't work out why filament is getting confused about the panel.
I've search ControlPanelProvider.php and the Curator repo for "admin", and the word isn't used, so it's not like something is hard-coded...
Any one seen this before?
16 replies
Fileupload not saving to DB
I've got what I thought would be a simple fileupload component:
The DB column is called "image", it's a varchar(255). It's listed in the $fillable property of the model.
The image file is uploaded to storage/app/livewire-tmp/ successfully. One point, it's saved in the format "4UwLQXBBr7UQzl9KU0PPfcFCPwM0AA-metaYXNhbmEtYm9hcmQucG5n-.png", rather then the original filenames, which I thought preserveFilenames() would prevent.
The directory 'blog-attachments' is never created.
Everything is good in the UI - no errors in the browser nor console.
But when I save the resource, the image field in the DB is populated with "[]"
If I change the component config to the bare minimum (FileUpload::make('image')), then the [] is replaced with a null.
Any ideas?
50 replies
Change case of relationship name field in a select
Hi all,
Looking for a bit of help on this one: I've got a Select field which works fine with a relationship:
However, the role names are slug format (super_user, account_admin) etc, and I'd like them to appear in the select as "Super User", "Account Admin", etc.
I thought this would work:
But the if I add a logger() statement into the function, it's not even getting called.
Any ideas how I can do this?
Thanks in advance,
7 replies
Any way to get record in searchable()
Hi all,
I'm trying to get the record in searchable() for a polymorphic relationship where the searchable model property varies according to the model.
I can get this working to return the correct property value in the formatStateUsing(), but can't find a way to get the record in searchable()
Any ideas?
4 replies
Submitted a bug report for a KeyValue component missing the delete icon if there's only one row.
I also found the offending line, but I'm not sure whether it's intentional?
Happy to submit a PR if it's an accident.
3 replies