Loading Indicators always spinning
All my filament indicators are spinning all the time now:
I've tried adding @livewireStyles into my layout head, which seemed to fix it for some people, but that made no difference, not even after recompiling the CSS/JS.
Any other ideas?
Solution:Jump to solution
Got it. I'd added
fn () : string => Blade::render('@livewireScripts'),...
6 Replies
Are you using a custom Layout? Please provide more info
No, just added an extra button to the edit page. Got the same thing on the list and create pages:
Nothing in the console, and no network processes still running.
All actions?
Is it a fresh filament install?
Yes, all actions. Not a fresh install - I've been developing on it for a while and this has just started over the last 24 hours or so. Currently rolling back commits to work out what's going on, but there's nothing obvious. Everything I've done for the past couple of days is around tenancy capability, nothing front-end at all. That's why I was hoping some people might have seen this before.
Hmm. Got it pinned down to a specific commit, but it was a large one. Cherry-pick time. I hate cherry-pick time....
Got it. I'd added
But somewhere livewire is already defined, according to the console, so it must be in the filament JS I guess.