Fileupload not saving to DB
I've got what I thought would be a simple fileupload component:
The DB column is called "image", it's a varchar(255). It's listed in the $fillable property of the model.
The image file is uploaded to storage/app/livewire-tmp/ successfully. One point, it's saved in the format "4UwLQXBBr7UQzl9KU0PPfcFCPwM0AA-metaYXNhbmEtYm9hcmQucG5n-.png", rather then the original filenames, which I thought preserveFilenames() would prevent.
The directory 'blog-attachments' is never created.
Everything is good in the UI - no errors in the browser nor console.
But when I save the resource, the image field in the DB is populated with "[]"
If I change the component config to the bare minimum (FileUpload::make('image')), then the [] is replaced with a null.
Any ideas?
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I've removed stancl/tenancy. Image upload now working other than the URL being incorrect, but that's a minor issue. I started using stancl because I did want tenancy, but not the one user:many tenants model that Filament has. But you're right - there are easier ways than the formal packages 🙂
30 Replies
storeFileNamesIn() needs to be a separate column on the db and can’t be named the same as the image field. Essentially it’s overriding your ‘image’ field. You also don’t need it at all if you are preserving file names.
Ah, thanks. I'll have a play with it again tonight when I log on. Appreciate your help.
mm. That didn't work unfortunately. I've trimmed the field right back to:
And added a beforeSave function log $this->record and $this->data in the EditRecord.php page

As you can see image is either null or empty array. Yet the image seems to be uploaded correctly by the file field as per previous screenshot
During that initial upload, the file is saved to /storage/app/livewire-tmp
And I've checked the $fillable array, and it looks good:
I'm using stancl/tenancy, and the middleware is applied to livewire:
The "Livewire middleware applied" is logged, so it's running.
And I've run "php artisan storage:link" just to be sure, even though I'm pretty confident I'd run that a long long time ago. No change.
Hmm. The SQL that is run when the modal is saved, includes the other fields but not the image one. I'm assuming that's an issue...
I've tried changing the fieldname to "featured_image" in the DB, $fillable, and filament field, in case plain "image" was causing an issue. No change.
Definitely odd. Probably doesn’t matter but you do have image in your fillable array twice.
Image isn’t a relationship by any chance is it?
ah, missed that image the first time. No, not a relationship, just a text mysql field
Ah, this is strange, if I add ->storeFiles(false), then the featured_image field is populated with /tmp/phpIV7B8c
That doesn’t make any sense at all.
Yeah, it's thrown me completely as well. I'm currently dd()ing my way through the core BaseFileUpload to see what's going on
But I appreciate your help anyway
My gut is saying it's something to do with the stancl/tenancy package...
Getting there. This check fails:

But the file should exist because livewire side loads it.
It does - wrong location
That’s the whole point of the tmp directory.
Livewire uploads to storage/app/livewire-tmp/xxxx, but the $file is looking at /tmp/yyyyy
Yea, something is definitely messing with the config then.
Could always change the tmp directory in the livewire config.
If you can’t track it down.
Just tried that. but the filenames aren't the same. Livewire saves to a long filename like 0HDMiiX6YrPv4aflaZpG3Cy675FOpG-metaY29taW5nLXNvb24uanBn-.jpg , but the filament copmonent is looking for something like php3YpkBL
But it's very late now and I need some sleep or I'll be Mr Grumpy tomorrow, so I'll park it and come back tomorrow night. Really appreicate your help on this, @awcodes
No worries. Get some rest.
No idea. Really wierd. If I just use a fresh livewire component on a separate route, it works fine. The filament demo runs fine so it's nothing to do with permissions or wierd stuff on my WSL OS (at least I don't think so). I've added loads of logging, and livewire definitely writes to the location it's supposed to, eg storage/app/livewire-tmp/. I just can't work out where filament is getting the "/tmp" from, nor where the livewire location should be. The call to the /livewire/upload-file route returns {"paths":["/XSo3cwxY3ZthHmSJEOHNxeE0wT33xn-metac2NyZWVuc2hvdC5wbmc=-.png"]}
But in the BaseFileUpload.php saveUploadedFiles() function, state is:
Run a find in your app and possibly the vendor directory for ‘/tmp’. Something is overriding it.
Nothing that I can see. I'm still thinking this is some wierd tenancy/livewire/filament bogeyman. Might get rid of tenancy and go back to the "simple tenancy" described in the docs. There's only one thing i wanted to use the stancl package for, and if it's going to cause problems like this, I'll find a workearound
Maybe. Real question is do you actually need the complication of tenancy? Lol.
I've removed stancl/tenancy. Image upload now working other than the URL being incorrect, but that's a minor issue. I started using stancl because I did want tenancy, but not the one user:many tenants model that Filament has. But you're right - there are easier ways than the formal packages 🙂
So right now I've off to re-write all the tenant-based functionality. See you some time next month 🙂
Again, appreciate your help on this.
I want to apply multi tenancy using this package stancl, I wonder if it's possible and easy, I'm using curator for media,
Curator is tenant aware by default.
Meaning media is scoped to the tenant by default.
Thanks @awcodes for reply,
Actually, I'm getting this error on file upload :
Unable to retrieve the file_size for file at location: livewire-tmp/zuLeCTvelTjdLbaP4YMKcJFcJ79D6x-metaYm5yMi5wbmc=-.png.
the file is temporarily uploaded to default path : storage/app/livewire-tmp,
I've installed stancl tenancy package
Nevermind, I fixed it 🙂
@BKF Dev How did you fix it?
Hi @Harry
Just extend the media model and then override two functions, I know it's not a good solution but at least it saves me and let me go ahead,

Excellent cheers
Enjoy 🙂