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•Created by ziolupo on 1/26/2024 in #💡filament
Simple (modal) resource and mutateFormDataBeforeSave()
Thanks to your suggestion I was able to fine the right way.
My SimpleResource is called Task and in the 'ManageTasks.php' file I added:
The above function take care of inserting the user_id during the creation process.
Then I did the same in TaskResource taking care of the saving process:
Thank you so much!
5 replies
How to listen to dispatch events in form?
I just find a different solution: instead of passing the component_id and modifying the blade file for accepting it, you can do something like this in foundContact()
Didn't know which is the best approach
15 replies
How to listen to dispatch events in form?
I got it!
Now I can close the modal.
I have to thank you for your support.
There is just one problem yet, sorry if I abuse of your patience.
The problem is something I didn't think about in the beginning when I started with this approch and it is the following.
My action is done in this way:
As you can see in ->action I'm setting the value of some fields using what I have received through the dispatch. This is working perfectly if I hit "SAVE" (or somthing similar) in the modal. But if I'm closing the modal programmatically the function in -> action() is never called.
So most probably I have to set the values from here:
But I didn't find a way.
Later I will check into the filament source code to see if there is an hint for doing that.
Thank you again
15 replies
How to listen to dispatch events in form?
Dear Wbzy,
the dispatch for data is working like a charm.
What I'm not able to do is closing the modal.
My modal was open in this way:
I don't have any idea how can I close it. I don't know the id or name... or what is needed here:
15 replies
How to listen to dispatch events in form?
mmhh... very interesting... You put the listener in the create page... interesting.. pages are livewire object... resources are not! Maybe is this my problem!
During the weekend I will try to adapt your solution to my needs and I will let you know.
Thank you for showing the way! (This is the way...cit.)
15 replies
Open modal with table for searching the right element
We are speakig about more than 10000 contacts identified and categorized with a lot of fields. I tried to think how to do that with a select. But there are at least 10 different common fields where I could search and most of the time with logical AND between the various fields. Select if perfect if your research plays in the minor league. For the major league you need something more complex. 😆
Of course there is a work around: find the contact in the contact-resource (with all the search fields that you need) and add an action for the creating -let me say- an "Offer". The problem is than you need a button for every kind of activity you want to do on that contact. Not impossible but not nice IMHO.
14 replies
Open modal with table for searching the right element
Thanks, I will take a look @ Sebastiaan work.
I'm quite surprised about "this is not a common task", Lara.
In a lot of software is really a common task.
Just an example: you have to insert an emailm but you remember only that is form Spain, and the real name is Pablo, and family name is starting with... damn... oh yes, is starting with "DE".
Easy to find if you have a modal with a table and some filters... near impossible to find in a SELECT BOX...
14 replies