Filter on table went to fullpage in 3.2.70 filament release.

I updated my projects from filament 3.42 to filament 3.70 (and now 3.72) The problem is that filters on page now are spreading full page and this is something I would like to avoid. I tried
but it didn't work. . I read the chngelog but I didn't fine anything so now I'm a little bit confused. Any idea? P.S. in the screenshot before and after P.P.S. Right now I reverted back to filament 3.42 and it's working fine again
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npm run build....
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3 Replies
Quin.3mo ago
override the styling?
toeknee3mo ago
npm run build....
ziolupo3mo ago
It worked! I didn't think about it! Thank you so much!