Storage Encryption
We're working on some compliance for our project. Since we use Railway, we want to make sure the storage (i.e. EBS) our Railway containers are running on are encrypted. Are the attached storage for instances encrypted? If so, is there documentation of this anywhere?
5 replies
Postgres not showing in every env
A few weeks back I joined Railway for the first time! After that I created multiple environments. I attached a postgres database, and it only went to prod/staging, but not develop.
apparently there was a known bug at the time. To work around this, I created a new postgres database that's just used the develop environment, but for production/staging, I now have a duplicate postgres resource.
What is the fix so i can have a single postgres resource for all my environments? Would I have to delete postgres causing dataloss? 😦
19 replies
Add a database tutorial not working?
How do I get to the plug ins page for a project? I created a project from an existing code repo, but I can't set up the postgres env
26 replies