is it necessary to create a custom theme to add tailwind colors
I have made a new project with filamentphp v3, and i try to follow this document -
So i just use the FilamentColor::register in my AppServiceProvider.php and then i use it in my custom page blade view file
Somehow this is not working.
Do i need to make a custom theme to use this ??
Please let me know your thoughts.
8 replies
Does the Notification modal load outside of the Admin Panel too?
Hi, I am trying to show the notifications to my user in frontend and I am following the guide here
The thing is the trigger button is not appearing on my frontend. Is it that the default notification only works inside the Filament Admin Panel ??
Please guide.
11 replies
How to conditionally show/hide Navigation Groups ?
I tried visible() and hidden() method to hide Navigation Group but it does not work. It is only for the Navigation Items, how can i conditionally hide the Navigation Group for example i want to show the Navigation Group to only users who have role admin ?
Please guide !
4 replies
Custom theme - I want default styling of filamentphp in my custom theme too.
Hi, I have custom theme configured for my project but now the default filamentphp styling is gone. So how can i get it back in my project. I followed the official guide to configure theme and now the admin panel has no default styling of filamentphp .
Please guide me do i need do to anyhting else to get back the default styling?
5 replies
TailwindCSS classes not generating nor getting scanned and even safelist is not working.
Hi, I am trying to color my table rows according to the record data.
I tried adding the classes to safelist in tailwind.config.js but still not working.
My Path for the above Resource is
C:\laragon\www\kinggames\app\Filament\Resources\ManualDepositEntryResource\Pages\ManageManualDepositEntries.php Please guide me . Thank you !
C:\laragon\www\kinggames\app\Filament\Resources\ManualDepositEntryResource\Pages\ManageManualDepositEntries.php Please guide me . Thank you !
9 replies
Modal is not opening in local development but it is opening in production
Hi, i am trying to open a simple delete action modal and in my local development environment it is not loading but in my production it is opening correctly.
What steps should i take now to make it work on local dev too ?
Please guide.
17 replies
Is there anyway we can show labels in Panel Component Layout in Table Builder
Hi, I am trying to make my table responsive and viewable on Mobile using Panel Component, but the problem is the Labels are not shown besides the data , so it becomes confusing to identify what data is for.
Any ideas how the labels can be shown even in Panel Component ?
2 replies
I am trying to use some functions from Table Builder Documentation in my Resource
Hi , I am trying to use some methods from the Table Builder Documentation but it seems they are not working in Resources .
I am trying to get the default ones which are there in documentation example below
protected function getTableRecordClassesUsing(): ?Closure
return fn (ManualDepositEntry $record) => match ($record->status) {
'pending' => 'opacity-30',
'rejected' => [
'border-l-2 border-orange-600',
'dark:border-orange-300' => config('tables.dark_mode'),
'approved' => 'border-l-2 border-green-600',
default => null,
protected function getTableRecordActionUsing(): ?Closure
return null;
protected function getTableActionsPosition(): ?string
return Position::BeforeCells;
Any udea why this is happening or am i missing something ?
3 replies
I cannot see my Livewire components which i made with command php artisan make:livewire in Debugbar
I can see the filamentphp created livewire components in my Debugbar and Livewire devtools chrome extension but i cannot see the livewire components i created by using command
php artisan make:livewire .
Do i need to change anything in config file ? As i can see there it has path to load livewire components ?
Please shred some light and help me.
19 replies