I cannot see my Livewire components which i made with command php artisan make:livewire in Debugbar
I can see the filamentphp created livewire components in my Debugbar and Livewire devtools chrome extension but i cannot see the livewire components i created by using command
php artisan make:livewire .
Do i need to change anything in config file ? As i can see there it has path to load livewire components ?
Please shred some light and help me.
13 Replies
Are your custom components working? Are you able to use them in pages in and out of Filament?
Sorry, just to make sure I'm reading this correctly: You can see the components in Debugbar, but nothing on the page?
Yes they are working fine. But it is just that i cannot see them in Debugbar
Ok cool. I'm also using Debugbar and sometimes I find it a bit impractical for Livewire components. It refreshes on every AJAX call to show only the relevant component (can be good or bad, depends on what you want to debug ...)
Have you tried Laravel Telescope? I'm using this more and more for local debugging these days :
Okay i will try the Telescope now. And let you know if it helps i
Me to understand more about my data and request
@Dan Harrin I cannot see the Livewire components in Laravel Debugbar. I have tried everything but could not get it to work. Also now the Public properties of my component are not working. And i get error Undefined $property.
What might be the reason ? Any guesses ? I am sorry to tag you. I am stuck from 3 days trying to solve the same problem. I thought it will be good to ask you
What might be the reason ? Any guesses ? I am sorry to tag you. I am stuck from 3 days trying to solve the same problem. I thought it will be good to ask you
Sorry, we try to help if it's possible but this is not really Filament related.
Okay i understand. I will try and find , i will post an update here if i find a solution in my app.
Try to start with a fresh install and see if the issue exists.
Yes i tried with a fresh install too and it seems the issue still exists , should i share a link to repo here ?
Checkout this repo i have created fresh installation and only created a simple pure livewire component using php artisan make:livewire command. But still it does not show and shows somehow it is finding for layouts.app too.
GitHub - Ticket-Master/testingfila2
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Your repo is broken as it doesn't include any Livewire components
It's working fine for me:

When fixing the issues and visiting
okay let me check once again.