Modal is not opening in local development but it is opening in production
Hi, i am trying to open a simple delete action modal and in my local development environment it is not loading but in my production it is opening correctly.
What steps should i take now to make it work on local dev too ?
Please guide.
13 Replies
what is the issue?
Modal does not popup in local dev. But it does pop up in production.
I tried in a fresh installation and the modal works there. Even in local dev.
I tried deleting the vendor folder and node_modules folder too.
But modal not opening.
any cache in local?
I tried php artisan optimize:clear
Any console errors?
Oh yes ! on local dev when i open inspect i am getting this console errors,

Hi @ticketmaster7 can you elaborate more specific like
Filament Version
Is delete action is custom or not
Is your page is custom or not etc
It will help us to understand the error clearly and what cause it, thanks
Filament Version - v2.17
Is delete action is custom or not - Delete action is custom
Is your page is custom or not etc - It is a resource page and i am trying to add Delete Action button on each record.
I am getting console errors as shown above in the Filamentphp Admin Login page and only in Admin Panel. I think it may be due to Filament Notifications
I don't have any idea. sorry, but "It is a resource page and i am trying to add Delete Action button on each record." filament already include delete action right?
Bro i am just testing whether my modals are able to open or not. Because the same code when goes in production it works the modal opens, so why not in my local dev, and in particular this one project, because i tried making new project and it works in local dev too
The console errors are trying to tell me something but i am not able to figure it out.
What OS are your dev/production machines running? I've had issues before where my mac dev env works fine, but then it chokes on Linux because the OS is case sensitive.. just a stab in the dark.
Also, have you got any other Livewire components on the page that uses the modal?
I am using Windows for local dev and Linux , I do not have any other livewire component on that page, in fact the console errors are present from Admin Panel login page itself, i am trying to reproduce the error by starting with a fresh installation. i believe this will get me to the root of the problem.
Most likely! Let us know if that fixes it.