Deployment issues in Spring Boot project
I have declared the Thymeleaf path to the templates directory in the application.yaml file:
prefix: classpath:/templates/
suffix: .html
I have also declared a route so that when accessing the corresponding URL, it will go to the file: client/index.html:
@GetMapping(value = {"/", "/home", "/trang-chu"})
public ModelAndView index() {
ModelAndView view = new ModelAndView("/client/index");
return view;
And here is the file path of that file in the project:
I have also declared the dependent libraries in the pom.xml file:
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After redeploying, I lost the uploaded images in the directory
If I use the railway volumes option, do I have to pay an additional fee? My website serves very simple needs, so I'm currently using the Hobby package. I don't want to incur any additional costs. I would greatly appreciate everyone's response
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