Deployment issues in Spring Boot project
Hello, I am a newcomer using the Hobby Plan. My project is built on the Spring Boot platform and runs fine on my local machine, but when I deploy it, I encounter an error related to ThymeLeaf. Here is the error log:
2023-09-01T15:34:44.565Z ERROR 1 --- [nio-6498-exec-5] org.thymeleaf.TemplateEngine : [THYMELEAF][http-nio-6498-exec-5] Exception processing template "/client/index": Error resolving template [/client/index], template might not exist or might not be accessible by any of the configured Template Resolvers
@project: 85eadb05-1f13-4118-bdf2-067247f8ec87
@environment: c1a03bd1-e816-4b7c-8fa8-b762c8ff2c0f
@service: d89d3294-6dea-48e3-8f36-5059abdd7229
@deployment: 13118411-5b51-4992-bc7a-d6cab21e47ff
@replica: 9714fd21-a33b-45f7-bb7d-875a768537e7
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