Created by daws.eth on 10/3/2022 in #✋|help
Critical Cloudflare 503's on Express Backend
Two quick questions on outages I've using Cloudflare + Railway 1. Does railway do any rate-limiting? If so, can this be disabled? 2. Is there a more lengthy post about issues when enabling cloudflare for backend services? (beyond what is mentioned here https://docs.railway.app/deploy/exposing-your-app) What we're seeing is that immediately after enabling the Cloudflare orange cloud, the express backend chokes on 100% of requests returning 503 errors. I've had many back-and-forths with the Cloudflare team and the current guess is that the origin server (Railway) is throwing these 503s.
67 replies
Created by daws.eth on 9/29/2022 in #✋|help
Sudden TS Node.js Build Errors
1 replies
Created by daws.eth on 8/28/2022 in #✋|help
Long password support for redis and PostgreSQL
I'd like to have longer passwords for security. Is there any way to change the default generated ones to be significantly longer? 100-char length is required in our security policy
5 replies