Dave Herring
Dave Herring
Created by Dave Herring on 7/29/2024 in #❓・help
change background colour on a ULandingCard
I can get a red blur on background when mose over, but not actually change the background from white.
4 replies
Created by Dave Herring on 7/29/2024 in #❓・help
change background colour on a ULandingCard
<UContainer class="text-blue-400 small-card top-card left-[50%] md:left-[35%] "> <ULandingCard class="bg-red-500" title="ffFor Business Owners" description="Grow your business with online bookings and add customer relationship management using gobookit." color="green" to="/business" :links="[{ label: 'Learn more', variant: 'link', color: 'gray', size: 'md', trailingIcon: 'i-heroicons-arrow-right-20-solid' }]" > <template #description> <p>Grow your business with online bookings and customer relationship management</p> <p class="learn-more"> Learn more <i class="i-heroicons-arrow-right-20-solid" /> </p> </template> </ULandingCard> </UContainer>
4 replies
Created by Dave Herring on 6/12/2024 in #❓・help
Not getting :links to work on a :links section in ULangingSection
Thank you Finlat .. it's not url: but to: that you need the links props is an array of buttons - and the buttons props is the documentation I should have read to see that suntax is to: Getting there with Nuxt:)
2 replies
Created by Dave Herring on 4/25/2024 in #❓・help
pnpm run generate - not creating all pages in conten t
Found issue - if using dunamic pages [...slug].vue then you need to have a link to the pages in content from index.vue - then the crawler will fins all the pages and make these. The pages in content appear to link to each other - so linking to any one of them from index.vue I beleive will work. Without this link they are not being created as static content
6 replies
Created by Dave Herring on 4/25/2024 in #❓・help
pnpm run generate - not creating all pages in conten t
using the nuxt ui pro doc template - if that is relevant
6 replies
Created by Dave Herring on 4/25/2024 in #❓・help
pnpm run generate - not creating all pages in conten t
(backend-py3.12) dave@Davids-MacBook-Air-2 frontend % node .output/server/index.mjs This works fine .. as does pnpm run dev
6 replies
Created by Dave Herring on 4/21/2024 in #❓・help
ULink not working on a badge
Thank you for the suggestion - that did not work - it is the UHeader docs I needed to read... https://ui.nuxt.com/pro/components/header
5 replies
Created by Dave Herring on 4/21/2024 in #❓・help
ULink not working on a badge
Found issue - there is a to of / in the logo slot of UHeader component, you have to change the slot to be #left to change this
5 replies