Dave Herring
Dave Herring
Created by Dave Herring on 7/29/2024 in #❓・help
change background colour on a ULandingCard
How can I change the white bacground on a ULandingCard - tried this
<UContainer class="text-blue-400 small-card bottom-card bg-red">
title="For Customers"
description="Make appointments ..."
style={{ backgroundColor: 'red' }}
<UContainer class="text-blue-400 small-card bottom-card bg-red">
title="For Customers"
description="Make appointments ..."
style={{ backgroundColor: 'red' }}
4 replies
Created by Dave Herring on 6/12/2024 in #❓・help
Not getting :links to work on a :links section in ULangingSection
Is it right to just add url : '/zzz' ? I see the url in the page source, but the button does not go to url link The link I am trying is url: /zzzz
title="Sample Test"
description="Our flagship product for zzzz management."
label: 'Explore ZZZZ',
color: 'gray',
'trailing-icon': 'i-heroicons-arrow-right',
size: 'lg',
url: '/zzzz'
title="Sample Test"
description="Our flagship product for zzzz management."
label: 'Explore ZZZZ',
color: 'gray',
'trailing-icon': 'i-heroicons-arrow-right',
size: 'lg',
url: '/zzzz'
2 replies
Created by Dave Herring on 4/25/2024 in #❓・help
pnpm run generate - not creating all pages in conten t
So can see pages with pnpm run dev ..,. pages are defined in content directory but do not see the pages when after running pnpm run generate and npx serve .output/public HTTP 25/04/2024 21:03:30 ::1 GET /api/_content/query/zw5gkipEzh.1714075339911.json?_params=%7B%22first%22:true,%22where%22:%5B%7B%22_path%22:%22%2Fgetting-started%2Froadmap%22%7D%5D,%22sort%22:%5B%7B%22_file%22:1,%22$numeric%22:true%7D%5D%7D HTTP 25/04/2024 21:03:30 ::1 Returned 404 in 1 ms HTTP 25/04/2024 21:03:30 ::1 GET /api/search.json
6 replies
Created by Dave Herring on 4/22/2024 in #❓・help
How to style markdown files in content
Have purchase Nuxt UI pro, want to create some markdown files like content/test.md
title: Introduction

Start of text

## a test title


More text...

component added

::card{title="Components" icon="i-heroicons-cube-transparent" color="red"}
Discover all the components available in **Nuxt UI Pro**.
title: Introduction

Start of text

## a test title


More text...

component added

::card{title="Components" icon="i-heroicons-cube-transparent" color="red"}
Discover all the components available in **Nuxt UI Pro**.
and have a [...slug].vue file catch and style these:-
<UPage prose>
<ContentDoc />
<UPage prose>
<ContentDoc />
The compoent appears - full screen width and the markdown is not styled. Guess I am looking for a example [...slug].vue file - but not finding this easy to locate in docs / google searches.
2 replies
Created by Dave Herring on 4/21/2024 in #❓・help
ULink not working on a badge
Trying to create a link on a badge and all I get is the anchor link being followed - so would like to open new tab with bbc displayed when click Link to bbc
<template #logo
<ULink to="https://bbc.co.uk/" target="_blank">
<UBadge variant="subtle" class="mb-0.5">
Link to bbc
class="ml-1 w-4 h-4 pointer-events-none"
<template #logo
<ULink to="https://bbc.co.uk/" target="_blank">
<UBadge variant="subtle" class="mb-0.5">
Link to bbc
class="ml-1 w-4 h-4 pointer-events-none"
5 replies