DHDistant Horizons
•Created by Fade on 3/14/2024 in #help-me
lods struggle so much to load, even with maxed performance settings
hello, i'm using the latest release of DH the one that every youtuber is using rn that is compatible with bliss shaders. all i see in their videos is incredible render distances but one thing i can't explain myself is how long did it take them to load all those LODs. I have a pretty decent PC but even with a very low LODs graphics quality, after half an hour i get nearly as half as the LODs amount that i would like to play with.
I tried staying AFK in many different worlds for more that 30 minutes but the results were always the same.
I'm playing single player and the mods i'm using with DH are:
Chunky 1.3.138
C2ME 0.2-0+alpha.11.58
Iris 1.7-alpha.1-ba8b16d4
Sodium 9.0.0
Indium 1.0.30
Tectonic 2.2 (world gen mod)
33 replies
DHDistant Horizons
•Created by Fade on 12/10/2023 in #help-me
Near LODs start to render, disappear after a few minutes, then the very far away LODs start to rende
Also, error in the chat: Batching World Generator: random numbers(FEATURES) timed out and terminating!
error in the LOGs:
[17:37:13] [DH-World Gen Queue Thread[0]/INFO]: ===========================================
Thread: DH-World Gen Thread[41]
at com.seibel.distanthorizons.core.generation.DhLightingEngine.lightChunk(DhLightingEngine.java:186)
at loaderCommon.fabric.com.seibel.distanthorizons.common.wrappers.worldGeneration.BatchGenerationEnvironment.generateDirect(BatchGenerationEnvironment.java:667)
at loaderCommon.fabric.com.seibel.distanthorizons.common.wrappers.worldGeneration.BatchGenerationEnvironment.generateLodFromList(BatchGenerationEnvironment.java:492)
at loaderCommon.fabric.com.seibel.distanthorizons.common.wrappers.worldGeneration.GenerationEvent.lambda$startEvent$0(GenerationEvent.java:96)
at loaderCommon.fabric.com.seibel.distanthorizons.common.wrappers.worldGeneration.GenerationEvent$$Lambda$8898/0x000001fc490af480.run(Unknown Source)
at [email protected]/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$AsyncRun.run(CompletableFuture.java:1804)
at [email protected]/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1136)
at [email protected]/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:635)
at [email protected]/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:842)
6 replies