Created by Pirhoo on 1/25/2024 in #✋|help
SSL certificate still issuing
Hello, on my project 64ff2818-2045-4c7d-8806-9a9a560f41f4 I've added a custom domain to the service a37145d3-d3cc-43ac-bdf1-1b241dbb2794 but after 3 days, the SSL certificate is still "issuing" (https://automatedsociety.algorithmwatch.org). Any help would be much appreciated!
18 replies
Created by Pirhoo on 1/8/2024 in #✋|help
My project is not loading anymore on Railway dashboard
I was tweaking the start command of one my service and suddenly the project dashboard started to crash. Project: 64ff2818-2045-4c7d-8806-9a9a560f41f4 When opening the dev tools, in the network tab I see a POST request to https://backboard.railway.app/graphql/internal?q=environmentConfig which returns an error:
More than one staged patch found
More than one staged patch found
Thanks for your help!
11 replies
Created by Pirhoo on 3/31/2023 in #✋|help
Abnormal memory usage on Postgresql plugin
Hello, I'm having an abnormal memory usage on my Postgresql database Any chance you can restart it for me please? * Plugin id is 415bbab4-5a16-4e9a-96e4-c414a378b854 * Project id is 51efbe4c-27d0-456d-950c-1648dbea6e8f
16 replies