Abnormal memory usage on Postgresql plugin
I'm having an abnormal memory usage on my Postgresql database
Any chance you can restart it for me please?
* Plugin id is
* Project id is 51efbe4c-27d0-456d-950c-1648dbea6e8f
14 Replies
Project ID:
devenbhooshan: My postgres instance seems to be reporting 8gb of ram. I don't think that is correct. The memory usage should be lower. ... I seems to be charged incorrectly because of that.
⚠️ experimental feature
Metrics are beyond the roof (and got even higher after I tried to garbage-collect the database)
you're already in beta, have you tried restarting it?
I couldn't found how
open the plugin, then open the command pallet and search for restart
Looks like it's not working :/
Hmmm interesting, it works when I ran the command from the "Data" tab
Maybe it's just a coincidence
has memory usage gone down?
Yes, drastically!
Thanks for your help!
no problem!