DHDistant Horizons
Created by Eight on 6/14/2024 in #help-me
Artifacts Appearing On Screen, Apparently Behind All Rendered Terrain
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DHDistant Horizons
Created by Eight on 11/13/2022 in #help-me
Inconsistent crashes upon loading into SP world
Tried adding some client side mods to a pack I am going to play and encountered random crashes while testing. I do not believe the issue has occurred once without DH, but when DH is placed in the mods folder the crashes are inconsistent. As a result of some fps issues, I have thoroughly messed with the setting in DH, but the error seems unaffected by changes in quality settings. To be clear, the issue occurs right when I am actually beginning to see the world attempt to load in on screen, and if I tab out while loading in the error occurs as soon as I unpause the game. It might be more frequent when I was or had tabbed out while loading in, but I have had it occur either way. The issue occurs both on new world generation and when joining a world which has already been created and played in. Additionally, the only noticeable difference I can see other than the crashes is that when I am in the process of creating a new world I use about 3gb less without DH, at least according to task manager, and the CPU may be experiencing slightly less load, although I'm unsure about that I could not find any simple and consistent solution, with deleting the mod and replacing it after another launch seeming to be the only thing which had an actual effect. Most recent log is below.
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