Inconsistent crashes upon loading into SP world

Tried adding some client side mods to a pack I am going to play and encountered random crashes while testing. I do not believe the issue has occurred once without DH, but when DH is placed in the mods folder the crashes are inconsistent. As a result of some fps issues, I have thoroughly messed with the setting in DH, but the error seems unaffected by changes in quality settings. To be clear, the issue occurs right when I am actually beginning to see the world attempt to load in on screen, and if I tab out while loading in the error occurs as soon as I unpause the game. It might be more frequent when I was or had tabbed out while loading in, but I have had it occur either way. The issue occurs both on new world generation and when joining a world which has already been created and played in. Additionally, the only noticeable difference I can see other than the crashes is that when I am in the process of creating a new world I use about 3gb less without DH, at least according to task manager, and the CPU may be experiencing slightly less load, although I'm unsure about that I could not find any simple and consistent solution, with deleting the mod and replacing it after another launch seeming to be the only thing which had an actual effect. Most recent log is below.
51 Replies
Eight2y ago
After doing more testing, for some reason opening the options, going to DH options, going into quality, and then selecting the distance in chunks before finally exiting by hitting "done" until I reach the pause menu prevents crashing, or at least it seems to. I'm inclined to believe it is a result of going into the setting and clicking done, as I only just now observed that it crashed the first time I didn't do that "ritual". It could very well be coincidence, but I had 4-5 successful openings while doing that and the first time I didnt was the first crash. Upon further testing, it may just be the amount of time I wait before unpausing, although at this point i'm unsure if this is even a possible solution.
eden2y ago
@Eight instead of removing dh and not letting the crashes appear, you should delete the client side mods you were talking about 1 by 1 until the issue is found also, check if the same problem occurs on a multiplayer world.
Eight2y ago
I can try adding it back and removing other mods one by one when I get a chance, but the issue does seem to entirely seize when DH is removed. For multiplayer, will testing using my own machine as the host produce adequate results for locating possible issues?
eden2y ago
maybe, I'm not sure if it works in multiplayer, it's probably a world generator and oh! try also creating a new world
Eight2y ago
If you mean in singleplayer, I had mentioned above both loading in and making a new world cause the crash at the same time
eden2y ago
yeaaa try joining multiplayer, the logs are just filled with missing modded block textures
Eight2y ago
Alright, I'll test joining a self hosted mp server when I get a chance and then let you know the results. What specifically did you have in mind which made you want to look at client and server logs/ behavior separately, though?
eden2y ago
world generator, and mod incompatibilities. opengl version looks completely fine so it shouldn't be a graphics priblen
Eight2y ago
seems to end on distant horizons at the very end of the log, before I'm able to join on my client.
Eight2y ago
Just noticing this issue all of a sudden as well. Not sure what exactly is causing this, but if the solution is known I would appreciate hearing it
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eden2y ago
i got it go to dh settings -> graphics -> quality options -> change chunk/draw resolution to "block" if this doesn't work, increase your horizontal quality to the highest option available.
Eight2y ago
I had it on 2 block instead of block for performance, but I'll try it with just block Same thing occurs with one block and on max horizontal quality
eden2y ago
really? try removing the lods and generating them again. lods are stored in the "data" folder in the folder of your specific world.
Eight2y ago
Do i need to leave and rejoin the world?
eden2y ago
yes, leave then remove then rejoin
Eight2y ago
I think that made it significantly worse
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Eight2y ago
chunks won't load unless I go and break a block in them and I've been standing around for a bit going to try a relog and see if that fixes anything stuck on "saving world" for much longer than normal, going to have to kill the instance. I guess it'll be fine as long as I dont delete that folder. Worse case I have to delete the mod entirely because of these issues, but I can get it to work somewhat by just being careful.
BackSun2y ago
Distant Horizons can't be installed on a server. It is client-side only for the time being. Installing it on the server is very likely to crash the server (which is what appears to be happening here). I'm assuming the issue is the black spots. Those appear to be entities, particles, or something else that is being rendered outside the vanilla render distance, but not by DH. Anything not rendered by DH will show up on top, there is nothing that can be done to change that.
Eight2y ago
Does that mean that the cause of the crash is a lack of seperation between the mods which the client uses and those which the internal server uses? Those black spots are chests, or most are. If it isn outside distant horizons then I suppose there isnt much that can be done, but when I approach closer and the terrain returns to being rendered as in vanilla the chests which were previously in view become obstructed. Because these chests seemingly only become visible at distances where DH is rendering, I assumed the mod would be related, especially when considering getting closer to a given chest eliminated the problem.
BackSun2y ago
Internal server, no. The internal server used when playing single player should work just fine. Dedicated server, yes. Installing the mod on a dedicated server would very likely cause the crash in the last log you sent. The problem with the chests is that MC is still rendering the chests because it assumes they will be covered by fog. Since we always render behind MC’s terrain the chests will show up on top. Nothing we can do about it unfortunately.
Eight2y ago
I can live with the chests, but the inconsistent crashes are really not ideal. Any ideas on a fix, or at least a cause? It really does seem like messing with DH settings before I unpause the game the first time prevents a crash, but I have no idea why that would help, or why the crashes even occur in the first place.
BackSun2y ago
If you reduce DH's render distance does that affect the crashing? Also try using the "data" GPU upload method.
Eight2y ago
No settings seem to affect the frequency of crashing. Ill try out the data upload method and see if I get crashing Changing to data gpu upload method seems to entirely eliminate any distant chunks and also seems to cause weird rendering errors which dont occur on auto, but also did not cause a crash when unpausing. Additionally, it seems like performance is significantly less consistent when generating new chunks on data. When leaving the world, switching back to auto, and joining back the game just froze on 100% for loading the world. I'll attempt this again to see if the issues with data are consistent, as well as to see if I get a crash when trying a second time. The freezing at 100% when re-loading into a world which I had previously loaded with the data mode seems consistent, but I also did not crash when unpausing either time, even without going into settings first.
BackSun2y ago
Interesting… in that case try the different upload methods and see how they each fare. (When changing upload methods leave and rejoin the world to make sure any previous geometry data is flushed from VRAM)
Eight2y ago
Alright, I'll let you know how each method goes
Eight2y ago
Not sure if this is an error, but I'll start with this and go down the options
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eden2y ago
what dh version is that?
Eight2y ago
eden2y ago
hmm, if it's a stable version then it may be a bug devs must have forgot to fix the name before uploading the mod
Eight2y ago
Doing more testing, using data actually does cause crashing, but more strangely seemed to generate distant chunks which were incredibly spaced out. I tried to relog to see if this issue persisted, but crashed. It seems like loading into a world which is pre-generated causes significantly more issues than generating a new one, although I have gotten crashes doing both. Auto, data, the buggy options, buffer storage, and sub data have all caused crashes so far when loading into a pre-generated world, with buffer storage freezing at 100% when reloading into a world that was generated without crashing on the same settings. buffer storage worked fine when I created a new world with it, but it more or may not be yielding worse performance its rather difficult to thoroughly test every setting when just one test can cause a crash and each load of the pack is ~10m, not to mention loading into a world, but I'll attempt to try all the settings
BackSun2y ago
A couple things: - Have you tried just using DH? - Have you tried a clean install of your GPU drivers? (I had issues at one point where my driver was slightly corrupted and a clean install fixed my issues)
Eight2y ago
Have not tried doing a clean install of my drivers, but I will try that now. As for just using DH, I have not. It could be an issue with this pack in particular, but I can't really do anything to resolve that, so I figured I should try every other option available After testing all options I keep getting the same inconsistent crashing. I'll try updating my drivers and see if that fixes it.
Eight2y ago
Updated my drivers and I was able to create the world without crashing, but new chunks would not generate and there was a border at which real chunks stopped generating, at which point only one or two distant chunks rendered. Breaking blocks in the distant chunks made them turn into normal looking chunks. When I tried to exit the world I got stuck on saving the game infinitely. I attached a screenshot of the afore-mentioned issue. I'll try to join the world again after loading into the pack again, as well as then trying to load into the world with dh uninstalled to see if any issues persist. I would like to be able to play the pack with distant horizons, but that may not be possible. Either way, I appreciate the assistance in attempting to find a solution.
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Eight2y ago
Loading back in causes a crash, I'll try to load in now without distant horizons The generation issue goes away without distant horizons, as does the crashing.
BackSun2y ago
Do the issues persist if you create a new world? Your LOD data may have gotten corrupted somehow. The fact that you get stuck on infinite saving is very interesting… What type of hard drive is the world on? And is it your main hard drive?
Eight2y ago
It seems like creating a world is fine, but when I try to leave the world I get stuck on saving game, and when joining back I just get that crash. The pack is on my HDD and so are all the new worlds I generate. I'm only using about 60%-75% of the space on any given drive, and my OS is on a separate SSD.
BackSun2y ago
How long have you let the saving go for? Depending on the speed of your hard drive DH saving could take significantly longer than vanilla saving. Could you try letting it go for a while and if you hard stop it, share your log? Maybe there is something in there that will shed some light on the situation.
Eight2y ago
Should I just attempt to move it to my nvme before leaving it on saving world to see what happens, or is there a reason it should be left on my hdd? Got a crash on world generation this time. Guess it was just being inconsistent before
BackSun2y ago
You could try putting the world on a different drive and see what happens. If it takes a really long time or crashes I'd like to see the log.
Eight2y ago
Alright, i'll let you know when I have the log
Eight2y ago
managed to generate a new world but after I screenshotted the attached error image my game crashed. I'll try to generate a world again, but I might not be able to actually get in long enough to exit
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BackSun2y ago
I'm not sure why but your GPU really doesn't like DH for some reason. Do you have the crash log?
Eight2y ago
I didn't grab the log from that crash and I cant find it in the logs folder. I'll grab the next crash I get managed to generate a world, do some experimenting with the settings, and leave without issue, but I've been waiting to re-join for at least 20 minutes. How much longer would you like me to wait before I kill the instance? It could be a very long wait time due to me enabling distant terrain generation beyond the vanilla render limit, which produced a lot of terrain when I had it around 48-64, but I'm not sure what a realistic amount of time to wait for would be.
Eight2y ago
I let it keep trying to load for about an hour. The debug log is too big for discord when uncompressed. The log seemed to stop changing way before the debug log did, about 9 minutes before I had said I was waiting for 20minutes+
BackSun2y ago
I don't have time to fully look through the log right now, but it appears the saving is at least partially working, I saw several instances where it was able to save all dimensions in between 3 and 5 seconds. I also saw what looked to be a crash due to feature generation. It looks like you have several mods that add features we can't generate (fire and ice I know has this issue and there was another mod that specifically crashed trying to generate a bridge), so you'll need to switch the world generator to "surface" to prevent some crashing.
Eight2y ago
Ill change that setting when i get a chance. Let me know if there is any other possible fixes I can try.
Eight2y ago
Loaded in just fine to the same world, but when leaving got stuck at 100% again for about an hour. Log and debug are attached, and I had surface enabled in world generation before I attempted to join the world.
BackSun2y ago
Good gravy! how many dimensions do you have! I think we may have found the cause of the issue. Looking at the log I never saw the save actually finish.
Eight2y ago
Does distant horizons have issues with large numbers of dimensions, and if so is there any way to fix that particular issue? I had known the pack has a good few dimensions, but I didnt imagine it was enough for it to affect anything. To be clear, all of my testing has been in the overworld, mostly around spawn. I dont know how DH works, so I'm not sure if that actually matters, but I wouldnt have thought anything would be done with those dimensions by DH.