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PDProgram Dream
Created by polyzium on 6/1/2024 in #🔨┃dev-logs
3D software rendering in Rust
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288 replies
PDProgram Dream
Created by polyzium on 4/16/2024 in #🔨┃dev-logs
Steam Deck alternative keyboard
The Steam keyboard is quite lackluster, has no Ctrl/Alt/Win/etc keys, and Valve wouldn't make one for some reason. I am starting this project to provide an alternative, open-source onscreen keyboard for the Steam Deck with dual touchpad support.
8 replies
PDProgram Dream
Created by polyzium on 2/8/2024 in #📦┃project-showcase
DarkChronics Quake (Minecraft minigame)
This is a plugin for Spigot/Paper (Minecraft server) that I have been working on for the past 2 weeks or so. It aims to reimplement most if not all of Quake 3/Live's mechanics, weapons, gamemodes, and gameplay. The teaser below shows the plugin in action https://youtu.be/RGHGhP-oy80 No source code, this is a private proprietary plugin for a server. Sorry.
36 replies
PDProgram Dream
Created by polyzium on 3/12/2023 in #🔨┃dev-logs
Tool for converting tracker music files to FL Studio projects natively, without using MIDI files as middlemen. This is still at the conceptual stage. TODO FILL WITH INFORMATION
3 replies
PDProgram Dream
Created by polyzium on 10/7/2022 in #🔨┃dev-logs
A bot that provides a fully fledged terminal emulator inside a Discord chat message. This is the thread for https://github.com/polyzium/termbot, all feature requests go here.
35 replies
PDProgram Dream
Created by polyzium on 10/5/2022 in #🔨┃dev-logs
Tracker DAW with MPE
No description
108 replies
PDProgram Dream
Created by polyzium on 8/25/2022 in #💬┃forum
'Don't write C in C++', they said
"It'll be fun", they said Nah I'm just kidding. So apparently John Carmack himself (former id Software employee and Oculus CTO) has said that he writes "C flavoured C++" and isn't a fan of modern programming styles with templates or anything, and considering how C++ is sort of a multi paradigm language, I want to hear your thoughts on this.
8 replies
PDProgram Dream
Created by polyzium on 8/11/2022 in #💬┃forum
Let's talk about netcode
Recently I've started playing around with Godot. So far I got a basic "walker" type of game logic, so I decided to go for adding multiplayer support. And that got me thinking: what is really the best way to do exactly that? Most multiplayer solutions just update entities' positions across multiple clients. Older ones such as Doom just sends player commands, so the client does the simulation and updates positions based on commands. And there is probably something else that I left out. I thought I'd open this topic up for discussion.
176 replies