Created by steadymade on 2/16/2024 in #✋|help
how to disable build caching?
@Brody I hooked up your cron template about a month ago to redeploy my repo every 8 hours: It has worked great for a month (thank you!), however, a day or two ago the build step in the periodic redeploys seems to be caching such that a build doesn't happen anymore. Has something changed? Is this a cron template issue, or has railway's build approach changed?
121 replies
Created by steadymade on 2/14/2024 in #✋|help
Help moving large apps from Heroku to Railway
My team has a large ruby/graphQL/postgres/redis app and also a node app that currently runs on heroku. We have another node app now running on railway and we love it, and we’re itching to get our other apps over and pay y’all more money. The problem is we aren’t seeing how we can SSH into our apps and run regular operational commands which arise in our organization’s day to day operations. Some example use cases: 1. Using a Ruby REPL or running a Ruby script to query our Postgres database or Redis database 2. Using a Ruby REPL or running a Ruby script to made modifications to our Postgres database or Redis database 3. Using a Ruby REPL or running a Ruby script that, among other side effects, enqueues jobs to our Sidekiq worker queue 4. Using a Ruby REPL to debug code pathways, which may or may not interact with our database, including introspecting about the server and software environment when necessary Roping in one of our engineers (@Ben Hutton ) so he can add some more context or examples as needed. Anyway, creating a UI for each of these use cases isn’t feasible so is there a sane alternative to SSH that could solve these problems? How are other railway users solving these problems with larger production apps with these needs?
11 replies
Created by steadymade on 1/13/2024 in #✋|help
Redeploy every X hours
What is the best way to dynamically redeploy every X hours? Thanks for the help!
14 replies
Created by steadymade on 12/13/2023 in #✋|help
Redis migration confusion
Hello, I clicked the migrate button in Redis and it failed the first time and seems to have worked the second time. My confusion though lies in which redis instance is the new migrated one. When I click "View Next Steps" and then "Go to new database" it takes me to "Redis Legacy" on the canvas (very confusing if this is actually the new migrated redis instance). I used to have one redis on my canvas and now I have 3: 1. Which is the new one I need to point my app at? 2. Which are the old ones I need to delete? Thanks for the help.
14 replies
Created by steadymade on 9/26/2022 in #✋|help
How do I convert my plan to dedicated CPU?
I can't seem to find a way to change my plan to use dedicated CPU. Server response times are too erratic so I'm hoping dedicated CPU might help. Any help would be appreciated.
9 replies
Created by steadymade on 8/19/2022 in #✋|help
Usage UI is hard to understand
Can someone help me interpret this UI?
38 replies
Created by steadymade on 8/17/2022 in #✋|help
Railway vs Heroku
My team have been long time heroku customers on a decent sized app (we spend about $3k/mo for service) and we're looking for alternatives. Ever since Salesforce bought heroku their service has... well... degraded into Salesforce quality 🙄 . I'm loving railway so far but I'm looking for some more technical details about how railway compares to heroku. For example: 1. Does railway rely on AWS? 2. Is it edge based (like say vercel)? 3. Is there an official performance comparison between railway and heroku somewhere? 4. Is the postgres integration vanilla postgres or is it customized like heroku with a lot of sugar? 5. Are there large apps running stably in production on railway?
13 replies