Created by Blackpig on 8/30/2024 in #❓┊help
Dynamic placeholder content renders HTML as text string not mark-up
No description
4 replies
Created by Blackpig on 7/15/2024 in #❓┊help
Disable entire form - throws error when checking $operation
I want to disable my edit form when certain criteria are met.
I don't want to do it on a field by field basis as this is a fairly large and complex form (also why I don't want a view). Snippet from my resource:
public static function form(Form $form): Form
return $form
->disabled(fn (?Quote $record, string $operation): bool => $operation == 'edit' && $record->status == 'final')
public static function form(Form $form): Form
return $form
->disabled(fn (?Quote $record, string $operation): bool => $operation == 'edit' && $record->status == 'final')
But this throws An attempt was made to evaluate a closure for [Filament\Forms\Form], but [$operation] was unresolvable. I thought the $operation helper was globally available Small caveat - I've rushed my dog to the vets 3 times in the last 7 days so I'm a bit emotionally frazzled - I'm sure the answer is blindingly obvious nbl
6 replies
Created by Blackpig on 7/1/2024 in #❓┊help
Custom layout - setting data from $get throws fatal Typed property initialization error
Flare error is here I am creating a quote worksheet with a Custom layout component:

namespace App\Forms\Components;

use Filament\Forms\Components\Component;

class QuoteSummary extends Component
protected string $view = 'forms.components.quote-summary';
public array $viewData = [];

public static function make(): static
return app(static::class);

public function viewData(array | \Closure $viewData): static
$this->viewData = $this->evaluate($viewData);
return $this;

public function getViewData(): array
return $this->viewData;

namespace App\Forms\Components;

use Filament\Forms\Components\Component;

class QuoteSummary extends Component
protected string $view = 'forms.components.quote-summary';
public array $viewData = [];

public static function make(): static
return app(static::class);

public function viewData(array | \Closure $viewData): static
$this->viewData = $this->evaluate($viewData);
return $this;

public function getViewData(): array
return $this->viewData;
and i'm trying to pass into the ->viewData method calculated values from other fields on the form
->viewData(function (GET $get):array {
//return [];
$visits = $get('no_of_return_trips') * 2;
$distance_cost = $get('distance') * $visits * $get('distance_cost_per_km');
$driving_cost = $get('driving_time') / 60 * $get('driving_time_cost_per_hour');
$tolls = $get('tolls');
$parking = $get('parking_fees');
$van_hire = $get('requires_van_hire') ? $get('van_hire_charge') : 0;
$travel = $distance_cost + $driving_cost + $tolls + $parking + $van_hire;
$accommodation = $get('requires_accommodation') ? $get('accomm_no_of_staff') * $get('accomm_no_of_nights') * $get('accommodation_cost_per_person_per_night') : 0;

$return = [
'Travel' => '€' . number_format($travel, 2),
'Accommodation' => '€' . number_format($accommodation, 2),
'Catering' => '€0.00',
'Equipment' => '€0.00',
'Service Team' => '€0.00',
'Additional charges' => '€0.00',
return $return;
->viewData(function (GET $get):array {
//return [];
$visits = $get('no_of_return_trips') * 2;
$distance_cost = $get('distance') * $visits * $get('distance_cost_per_km');
$driving_cost = $get('driving_time') / 60 * $get('driving_time_cost_per_hour');
$tolls = $get('tolls');
$parking = $get('parking_fees');
$van_hire = $get('requires_van_hire') ? $get('van_hire_charge') : 0;
$travel = $distance_cost + $driving_cost + $tolls + $parking + $van_hire;
$accommodation = $get('requires_accommodation') ? $get('accomm_no_of_staff') * $get('accomm_no_of_nights') * $get('accommodation_cost_per_person_per_night') : 0;

$return = [
'Travel' => '€' . number_format($travel, 2),
'Accommodation' => '€' . number_format($accommodation, 2),
'Catering' => '€0.00',
'Equipment' => '€0.00',
'Service Team' => '€0.00',
'Additional charges' => '€0.00',
return $return;
Thanks for any light that can shed on this
4 replies
Created by Blackpig on 6/21/2024 in #❓┊help
Add an option to Checkboxlist via an Action
I'm trying to recreate similar behaviour to the ->createOptionForm() of the Form\Select component but on a CheckboxList. I was hoping I could utilise either the ->helpertext() or ->hint() methods and trigger an Action. It renders ok - but the Action doesn't trigger the modal/form - is this possible or do I need top change my approach?
->helperText(function(): Action {
return Action::make('createRole')
->label('Add a new role')
->label('Hourly Rate')
->action(function (array $data): void {
$newRole = new StaffRole;
$newRole->title = $data['title'];
$newRole->hourly_rate = $data['hourly_rate'];
//->url(fn() => route('filament.admin.resources.staff-roles.create'))
->relationship(titleAttribute: 'title')
->helperText(function(): Action {
return Action::make('createRole')
->label('Add a new role')
->label('Hourly Rate')
->action(function (array $data): void {
$newRole = new StaffRole;
$newRole->title = $data['title'];
$newRole->hourly_rate = $data['hourly_rate'];
//->url(fn() => route('filament.admin.resources.staff-roles.create'))
->relationship(titleAttribute: 'title')
6 replies
Created by Blackpig on 5/3/2024 in #❓┊help
Build not picking up my Theme CSS
No description
2 replies
Created by Blackpig on 2/28/2024 in #❓┊help
CheckBoxList, Enums and TextColumn display conundrum
Salut Interesting little problem. I have a Checkbox list on the form that is populated with an Enum. This all fine and works as expected - the labels are displayed and the values are stored correctly:
On the table I want to display the the selected values
Which is where the problem arises - the column displays the stored value and not the label. Because this is a multi-value field , stored as JSON in the model I need to cast it to type => 'array' If this were a simple/single value field (e.g CheckBox or Select) then I could cast it to the enum type => OrganisationTypes::class and the correct label would be displayed in the table column. So how do I cast the field to an array and still have the Enum return the correct labels in the table column? Thanks for reading this far! My enum for reference
enum OrganisationTypes: string implements HasLabel
case CUSTOMER = 'customer';
case SUPPLIER = 'supplier';
case MANUFACTURER = 'manufacturer';
case WAREHOUSE = 'warehouse';
case LOGISTICS = 'logictics';

public function getLabel(): ?string
return match ($this) {
self::CUSTOMER => 'Customer',
self::SUPPLIER => 'Supplier',
self::MANUFACTURER => 'Manufacturer',
self::WAREHOUSE => 'Warehouse',
self::LOGISTICS => 'Logistics',
default => '',
enum OrganisationTypes: string implements HasLabel
case CUSTOMER = 'customer';
case SUPPLIER = 'supplier';
case MANUFACTURER = 'manufacturer';
case WAREHOUSE = 'warehouse';
case LOGISTICS = 'logictics';

public function getLabel(): ?string
return match ($this) {
self::CUSTOMER => 'Customer',
self::SUPPLIER => 'Supplier',
self::MANUFACTURER => 'Manufacturer',
self::WAREHOUSE => 'Warehouse',
self::LOGISTICS => 'Logistics',
default => '',
8 replies
Created by Blackpig on 1/23/2024 in #❓┊help
Reactive ->live() not updating ->helperText and/or ->label() values
Title says it all - my code below, am I missing something blindingly obvious? I'd expect the title and helper text to update on the title field when the type field changes.
return $form
->disabled(fn (?string $operation) => $operation === 'edit')
->helperText('Either add a single entry like a recipe or add mulitple options to choose from. This option can\'t be changed once set'),


->label(fn (Get $get): string => ($get('type') == MenuItemTypes::OPTIONS) ? 'Options title' : 'Title')
->helperText(fn(Get $get): ?string => ($get('type') == MenuItemTypes::OPTIONS) ? 'e.g. Choose 3 from the following options' : '')
return $form
->disabled(fn (?string $operation) => $operation === 'edit')
->helperText('Either add a single entry like a recipe or add mulitple options to choose from. This option can\'t be changed once set'),


->label(fn (Get $get): string => ($get('type') == MenuItemTypes::OPTIONS) ? 'Options title' : 'Title')
->helperText(fn(Get $get): ?string => ($get('type') == MenuItemTypes::OPTIONS) ? 'e.g. Choose 3 from the following options' : '')
19 replies
Created by Blackpig on 1/8/2024 in #❓┊help
Nested Relation Managers - use create page not modal
Salut. I need to build a fairly complex structure which will involve nested RMs. Can I override the 'New <record>' action on the nested RM table to open in a new create/edit page rather than in a modal - so that the nested RMs will show the related records table? Rough idea of relationship structure: Top Level Model -> hasMany 2nd level model -> hasMany 3rd Level Model *-> could haveMany 4th Level Model I'm converting an existing/legacy app - so I'm pretty restricted with the data structure TIA
8 replies
Created by Blackpig on 12/23/2023 in #❓┊help
Spatie Translatable Plugin - Repeater Fields Supported
Does the official plugin now support translation of repeater fields (stored as json).
Iirc in v2 it didn't support repeater fields so hoping v3 does
11 replies
Created by Blackpig on 12/22/2023 in #❓┊help
Plugin v2 -> v3 upgrade - custom view page not showing header actions
My header actions are not displaying on the page. According to the docs should be auto-magic Working my way up the inheritance the vendor/filament/filament/src/Pages/Page.php has the Concerns\InteractsWithHeaderActions; and the method is being called as I can output the returning array to ray. Am I extending the correct layout/template <x-filament-panels::page> or any thoughts as to why my actions are not displaying as expected? TIA
7 replies
Created by Blackpig on 12/21/2023 in #❓┊help
V2 -> V3 Plugin - custom view not picking up styling
In v2 my custom view rendered fine - picking up the TW classes In v3 it's not rendering correctly. It appears that it's not picking up any additional TW classes. The blade is now extending <x-filament-panels::page> instead of <x-filament::page> Not sure what I'm missing to get the additional TW classes pulled in The view

namespace Blackpig\FilamentOffice\Resources\InvoiceResource\Pages;

use Filament\Actions\Action;
use Barryvdh\DomPDF\Facade\Pdf;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
use Filament\Notifications\Notification;
use Filament\Resources\Pages\ViewRecord;
use Blackpig\FilamentOffice\Mail\MailInvoice;
use Blackpig\FilamentOffice\Settings\OfficeSettings;
use Blackpig\FilamentOffice\Resources\InvoiceResource;

class ViewInvoice extends ViewRecord
protected static string $resource = InvoiceResource::class;

protected static string $view = 'filament-office::resources.invoice.view';

protected function getActions(): array
$actions = [
->url($this->previousUrl ?? static::getResource()::getUrl())


if ($this->record->customer->hasEmail()) {
$actions[] = Action::make('send')
->label('Send To Customer')

return $actions;

public function downloadPdf()
$locale = $this->record->customer->preferred_language;

$data = $this->getPdfData();
$pdf = Pdf::loadView('filament-office::resources.invoice.pdf', $data);

return response()->streamDownload(fn () => print($pdf->output()), "{$this->record->formatted_number}.pdf");

public function sendToCustomer()
$invoice = $this->record;
$locale = $invoice->customer->preferred_language;

$data = $this->getPdfData();

$pdf = PDF::loadView('filament-office::resources.invoice.pdf', $data)

$data['site_url'] = config('app.url');

->send(new MailInvoice($data, $pdf));

->title('Innvoice sent to ' . $invoice->customer->email )

protected function getPdfData(): array
return $data = [
'invoice' => $this->record,
'settings' => app(OfficeSettings::class)

namespace Blackpig\FilamentOffice\Resources\InvoiceResource\Pages;

use Filament\Actions\Action;
use Barryvdh\DomPDF\Facade\Pdf;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
use Filament\Notifications\Notification;
use Filament\Resources\Pages\ViewRecord;
use Blackpig\FilamentOffice\Mail\MailInvoice;
use Blackpig\FilamentOffice\Settings\OfficeSettings;
use Blackpig\FilamentOffice\Resources\InvoiceResource;

class ViewInvoice extends ViewRecord
protected static string $resource = InvoiceResource::class;

protected static string $view = 'filament-office::resources.invoice.view';

protected function getActions(): array
$actions = [
->url($this->previousUrl ?? static::getResource()::getUrl())


if ($this->record->customer->hasEmail()) {
$actions[] = Action::make('send')
->label('Send To Customer')

return $actions;

public function downloadPdf()
$locale = $this->record->customer->preferred_language;

$data = $this->getPdfData();
$pdf = Pdf::loadView('filament-office::resources.invoice.pdf', $data);

return response()->streamDownload(fn () => print($pdf->output()), "{$this->record->formatted_number}.pdf");

public function sendToCustomer()
$invoice = $this->record;
$locale = $invoice->customer->preferred_language;

$data = $this->getPdfData();

$pdf = PDF::loadView('filament-office::resources.invoice.pdf', $data)

$data['site_url'] = config('app.url');

->send(new MailInvoice($data, $pdf));

->title('Innvoice sent to ' . $invoice->customer->email )

protected function getPdfData(): array
return $data = [
'invoice' => $this->record,
'settings' => app(OfficeSettings::class)
4 replies
Created by Blackpig on 11/16/2023 in #❓┊help
Pass value from Modal form to Action on list page
I have a form modal on a list page triggered from a header action (not a table row action). How do I grab that value in the 'ListRecords' components action? $this>pdfLanguage is empty in the action call
class ListIdeas extends ListRecords
protected static string $resource = IdeasResource::class;
protected static ?string $title = 'Menu Inspirations';

public string $pdfLanguage = '';

protected function getTableReorderColumn(): ?string
return 'position';

protected function getActions(): array
$default = parent::getActions();

$bespoke = [
->modalHeading('Download Menu Inspirations')
->label('Which language to you want to download for: ')
'en' => 'English',
'fr' => 'French'

return array_merge($bespoke, $default);

public function downloadPdf()
$data = [
$ideas = Ideas::active()->orderBy('position')->get(),
$locale = ''// how do i get handle to pdfLanguage

$pdf = Pdf::loadView('', $data);
return response()->streamDownload(fn () => print($pdf->output()), "menu_inspirations.pdf");
class ListIdeas extends ListRecords
protected static string $resource = IdeasResource::class;
protected static ?string $title = 'Menu Inspirations';

public string $pdfLanguage = '';

protected function getTableReorderColumn(): ?string
return 'position';

protected function getActions(): array
$default = parent::getActions();

$bespoke = [
->modalHeading('Download Menu Inspirations')
->label('Which language to you want to download for: ')
'en' => 'English',
'fr' => 'French'

return array_merge($bespoke, $default);

public function downloadPdf()
$data = [
$ideas = Ideas::active()->orderBy('position')->get(),
$locale = ''// how do i get handle to pdfLanguage

$pdf = Pdf::loadView('', $data);
return response()->streamDownload(fn () => print($pdf->output()), "menu_inspirations.pdf");
2 replies
Created by Blackpig on 8/31/2023 in #❓┊help
V2 - Index/list page additional button next to the 'New ...' button
Title sums this up - in a V2 app I need to add an action (to open a modal) from a button placed next to the 'New <resource>' button above the table. Checked the V2 docs but not sure this is possible?
11 replies
Created by Blackpig on 4/7/2023 in #❓┊help
Trigger page save when adding to a repeater field
Is there a hook or something that I can hook into to trigger a page/document save when clicking the 'Add to' of a repeater field?
2 replies